One Punch Man - Volume 16 [Review]
In Volume 16 of One Punch Man, Garo squares off against a handful of Class A & B heroes...but has the "Monster" finally met his match?
Critical Role Review: C2 Episode 63
The Nein have an action packed episode. Jester is a moth, Nott is brave, and Caduceus lights them up. Don't miss out on this week's Critical Role Review!
Swag and Sorcery [Review]
Thunderheavyarm takes a swing at Swag and Sorcery - a unique resource gathering and crafting title from Tinybuild!
Tokyo Ghoul: re - Volume 9 (Review)
Volume 9 of Tokyo Ghoul: re brings back old friends and new problems! Check out EyeSpyeAlex's review to see who comes out on top!
Juni Taisen Zodiac War Vol. 4 [Review]
Thunderheavyarm shares his thoughts on the final volume of Juni Taisen, which departs a bit from the anime ending. Take a look!
Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Volume 6 (Review)
Kaguya and Shirogane finally profess their love for each other! Sort of. Check out our coverage of Kaguya-sama: Love is War Volume 6 to learn more!
Critical Role Review: C2 Episode 62
The Mighty Nein settle into domestic bliss. Caduceus grows a tree, Jester makes a mural, Fjord gets a massage. Dont miss this week's Critical Role Review!
Juni Taisen Zodiac War Vol. 3 [Review]
The epic battle of Juni Taisen conrtinues, as ThunderHeavyArm reviews volume 3!
Katana Zero (Review)
Mithrandiel reviews the lightning-paced & blood spattered world of Katana Zero from Askiisoft!
Juni Taisen Vol 2 [Review]
Thunderheavyarm returns from his hiatus with his thoughts on Juni Taisen, volumes 2 and 3!