Swag and Sorcery [Review]
By: Thunderheavyarm
Lately I’ve beengetting a little more and more into idle games to help me feel likeI’m passing the time doing something fun. So late last week we wereapproached by our good friends at Tinybuild, with their latest gameSwag and Sorcery. Tinybuild has a pretty good track record with methus far regarding their games. Or will it just join the pile ofdisappointing fantasy?

The game is a weirdbuild of resource gather and crafting game, similar to their lastgame Graveyard Keeper. Unlike that game, which had a gated systembased on technology, this game is gated by how much income you canbring in. It’s definitely easier to get past the hurdles herethough, since you can just use crafting to gear up your characters,sell the rest and then buy your levels. Oh, there’s also that, thegrind for resources has it so you need to split your resourcesbetween gear you need, leveling your characters so they don’t getone shot, and increasing their stats which make better gear. It’scertainly a weird circle monopoly that the game helps you toestablish in your village.

While selling yourloot isn’t the only way to get gold, although it is the moveprofitable and somewhat guaranteed, there is a minor event system youcan try to exploit. After you build a clothing store—the Swag andSorcery-- you unlock beauty contests. Doll up your characters intheir best gear that meets the judges tastes of material, color,class and style to earn reputation as well as resources and gold. Butyou need to be careful because there is the entry fee to deal with soif it’s a choice between healing your guys and heading back out orthe pageant, better to head out and earn your coin the honest andnoble murder hobo way.
There’s really notmuch more to delve into with this game, it being a strange crossbetween an RPG adventure and an idle game. A simple game, with simplemechanics allows for really anyone to be able to play the game andenjoy it. Send out your groups of adventurers, get loot, getswag...uh and something sorcery.

So part of thereason that this game actually took so long to review, is that fromwhen I first installed the game and a full week later the game hasactually changed three times. These aren’t bad updates thoughbecause of a bug but more quality of life changes. Originally, thegame was actually quite hard to progress out of after the first areagets cleared. So if you find yourself having trouble with the game, Ihate to tell you this but this is the easier version than what I wasplaying. Although more than likely you’re just unlucky with therandom gear crafting. The two follow up changes added extra optionsat the end of an adventure allowing for much easier grinding.
While it’s not thestrongest title that has been released by Tinybuild, it’s still afun and solid game. Very easy to put down and pick up again where youleft off. So if you like playing games in quick bursts because you’rejust that busy, Swag and Sorcery is worth what little time you haveto play it. Until next time.