Critical Role Review: C2 Episode 59

By: I.Am.No.Man

Episode 59: Perspective

I was so ready for this episode! The action cut off at a nice cliffhanger last episode and I was curious to see how the Nein would respond to the hostile attack from the giants.

It seemed pretty straight forward to me that the giants had taken over the mining camp not to be territorial or cruel, but for a reason that remained hidden to the players so far. So I was a bit surprised that the group took a few rounds to settle the fighting and figure out why the giants were actually fighting. Maybe there was a slight language barrier, I'll give them that. And also, the giants struck first, but my curiosity was more interested in figuring out why the giants had holed up there than throwing sticks and stones.

The action in the first half definitely showed how intimidating giants can be, and also how clever the Nein is becoming. Leave it to Jester and Fjord to calm the fighting with a quick Killer Whale polymorph and some magical charming. Dear Caduceus, try as he might, just wasn't able to bring the fighting to a stop on his own.

As soon as Matt began to describe the giant's stories of strange creatures able to kill and reanimate giants, I was instantly intrigued. We have been getting little hints of necromancy and dark magic flitting at the edges of the story since episode 1. I am ready for a deeper dive into what is going on underneath the main story. Is Vecna returning? A new necromancer breaking through the fabric of the planes? Something is cooking... and I want it!

The second half had some pretty creepy and intense action. A lot more intense than I and the Nein bargained for I think. I was expecting a little recon, a little bug extermination, then maybe a bigger baddie reveal that would carry us into next episode. But apparently the mosquito-like Chasme creatures and whatever that evil jellyfish, Joker reanimator beastie was were more than enough to do some serious damage to the Nein. Fjord took some major damage and had over half his HP taken down by the Chasme. Luckily Caduceus was on his game tonight and saved everyone's hides with his skillful Cleric abilities. Get you a Caduceus, he'll do you right.

Art By: @KatieOurMatie

The Nein also take out another rift that seemed to lead to some kind of evil forest. Another hint that a larger story is taking place. I have a feeling we'll get a big reveal soon! There has to be a reason for the two sides of this war to come together and fight for one cause.

The ending of this episode was pretty clutch. Just as the Nein think they are safe, that Joker Jellyfish reanimates the corpse of Soona the giant's brother. That awful Titan-like grin was chill inducing. The Nein better high-tail it out of that cave. No sense in making a weakened Fjord tough it out though another giant battle. They will also have a lot of explaining to do to Professor Waccoh when they return as friends of the giants. Who knows, maybe the kooky professor will appreciate their ingenuity. Either way, I am ready for Thursday!


Katana Zero (Review)


Critical Role Review: C2 Episode 58