![Expand Your D&D Library With The Game Master Series! [Review]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6371c1aaf44e9e0252208a01/1672208901727-HK97RSQ0DPXP1ZM02DU1/IMG_0976.jpeg)
Expand Your D&D Library With The Game Master Series! [Review]
Mithrandiel spotlights the Game Master Series and how it helps to enhance his experience as a Dungeon Master!
Wizards of the Coast: Spelljammer Box Set [Video Review]
Mithrandiel unboxes the alternative art cover set for Wizards of the Coast's latest D&D sourcebooks detailing the spellbinding world of Spelljammer!
![Wondrous Worlds Await You In The Radiant Citadel [Review]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6371c1aaf44e9e0252208a01/1668877780863-9FEB8H3YWN5665HJ92MR/radiant+featured.jpeg)
Wondrous Worlds Await You In The Radiant Citadel [Review]
Mithrandiel digs into the latest sourcebook from Wizards of the Coast: Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel!
"Calamity" Takes Critical Role To New Heights [Review]
Mithrandiel, still recovering from the finale, shares his thoughts on Critical Role's latest limited series - Exandria Unlimited: Calamity
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons: Silver Edition Unboxing
Mithrandiel digs into Beadle & Grimm's latest set: the Silver Edition of Fizban's Treasury of Dragons!
![Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep [Review]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6371c1aaf44e9e0252208a01/1668877832469-6RKO98D77G0KFK1ISYOL/netherdeep.jpeg)
Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep [Review]
Mithrandiel reviews the latest D&D Sourcebook, released in partnership with Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep!

A Stunning Rebirth: Unpacking Beadle & Grimm's Tal'Dorei Reborn Exalted Box Set
Mithrandiel dives into Beadle & Grimm's Tal'Dorei Reborn Exalted set - with maps, character cards, props and more!