Critical Role Review: C2 Episode 61
By: I.Am.No.Man
Episode 61: Agreements
This episode was a bit of a roller coaster. Highs and lows and a wild loop that you didn't see coming. The action started out at a slow simmer with Jester attempting to scry on the owner of the scrap of fabric found near the abyssal anchor. She successfully spies on a young, posh, blonde man speaking with someone through a communication stone.
None of the group recognize the man, but there were some interesting hints to his identity and possible mission in Xhorhas. They learn the name "The Crawling King"( some awful dark worm king that rules all things evil) and hear him say the phrase " Angel's eye" and a meeting place called "Overcrow". So many new things to investigate! I am anxious to see where this delicious tidbit leads the Nein.
While the Nein discuss Jester's vision, we get some more of Yasha's story. She finally tells the entire group about her previous life in Xhorhas and why she left. They learn about her wife Zuella and their subsequent punishment for disobeying their tribe. Yasha also mentions that, although Zuella was captured and would most likely be executed for her crimes, Yasha ran away before actually seeing her killed. There is a tiny speck of hope that Zuella may have somehow been spared. Although, Yasha's revenge would be so cathartic to watch.
After the Nein finally make it back to the mining camp, they help the giants clear out. They then give the all clear to the mining camp to return, but not before having a little fun with Foreman Boto. Still under direct orders from Professor Waccoh to humiliate Boto, Jester retrieves a secret love letter of Boto's they found in his abandoned office. To his utter mortification, The Nein then begin to act out the vulgar scenes described in said letter until Boto passes out from the embarrassment. Sufficiently satiated, the Nein return to Professor Waccoh with the good news. This whole scene was painful to watch, but it wouldn't be a session of Critical Role without Laura Bailey classing it up with some dick jokes.
Caduceus and Nott take the session to a more serious note when they decide to cast Speak with Dead on the poor charred goblin corpse they brought back with them. (The thought of Caduceus carrying this sad little charcoal morsel all the way from the giant's lair is heartbreaking and slightly morbid) Caduceus is able to confirm Jester's scrying spell against the goblin's recollection of the man who left the anchor.
Fjord has a terrifying nightmare. Uk'otoa reminds Fjord that he has a mission that is yet unfulfilled, and punishment is swift and merciless. He dreams of Uk'otoa once again squeezing the life out of his body and he awakes to the sound of his falchion clanging to the ground beside him. In a moment that truly shocked me, Fjord then discovered that he no longer had any connection to his warlock abilities. This. Is.My. Nightmare. As a player that so heavily relies on magic abilities for protection and a sense of purpose, suddenly losing all abilities would be absolute chaos.
Fjord does what any panicked warlock would do in this situation. He runs away. Stealing away into the deep night, Fjord tries everything to summon his abilities back. But it's all useless. He finally crawls back to his bedroom and somehow manages to sleep until morning.
In the last half of the session, The Nein split up to accomplish the last of their tasks. Beau, Caleb, Nott and Yeza visit Professor Waccoh and relay the successful mission. Waccoh is pleased and pays the group with several magical items, including a broken sword that may be another clue for Caduceus' search. The group also finds the location of the Overcrow Apothecary mentioned in Jester's vision. Fjord, still in a state of panic, attempts to set off on his own but Yasha follows him all the way to half-orc Wersh's blacksmith shop. Incredibly, Fjord does regain his abilities just as they enter the shop.

The episode ends with the Bright Queen's Shadowhand Essik bringing the Nein to their new fancy MANSION in XHORHAS. That's right. The Nein have gotten enough notice and renown in Xhorhas that the Bright Queen has gifted the Nein with their very own home available for their use any time they need it. Heroes of the Dynasty indeed.
I have so many questions. What is Fjord going to do about his Uk'otoa problem? He can't just unleash an ancient being into the world like that can he? Can Uk'otoa really kill Fjord just like that, or will the act of taking his abilities be enough to get him killed? Also, how are the Nein so cool with getting a mansion in Xhorhas?? They are definitely not laying low in the Dynasty. How will this affect their ability to return to the Empire? Are Beau, Caleb, and Jester thinking about how they may be labeled as traitors in the Empire? And what's with all the broken swords popping up? What is happening and where do we go from here?
I don't have to wait long to find out! The next episode of Critical Role is just hours away!