![Deathbound [Review]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6371c1aaf44e9e0252208a01/1730331470055-5D284FM7PO8FV4KVYRBB/capsule_616x353.jpg)
![Little Witch Nobeta [Review]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6371c1aaf44e9e0252208a01/1726508982281-UCZEEFI091EQYVVQ99H6/mv_character_01.png)
PRESS RELEASE - Sinner: Sacrifice for Redemption Slays Nintendo Switch in Q3 2018
Sinner: Sacrifice for Redemption is coming to the Nintendo Switch! Check out the announcement from Another Indie about this exciting boss-battler!
Not Every Game is Like Dark Souls - Or, How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Monster Hunter World
Guest contributor Daikaiser shares why the constant comparisons of Monster Hunter World and Dark Souls need to stop.
PAX West Spotlight: Sinner
Mithrandiel chats with Ian from Another Indie about Sinner - a souls inspired Boss-battler game.
Nioh (Review)
A beautiful and action packed adventure, Nioh captures some of the best elements of Dark Souls and Bloodborne to deliver a fantastic gaming experience!
Mithical Entertainment Interviews: Ska Studios
Mithrandiel sits down with James and Michelle Silva of Ska Studios, the developers behind the recent indie hit, Salt and Sanctuary.
Video Game Review: Salt and Sanctuary
You will die. A lot. But holy crap will you have a lot of fun in the meantime.