Critical Role Review: C2 Episode 54
By: I.Am.No.Man
Episode 54: Well Beneath
This week's episode was a bit of an interlude. The Nein spent another full day in the City of Monsters gathering information, secretly meeting with Dairon, and investigating the source of a rift into the abyssal plane.
While this episode may not be jam packed with action or a depth of intriguing story, it is laying the groundwork for the much larger story at hand. We are again seeing hints of dangerous necromancy at play and a mysterious dark magic taking hold over Xhorhas.
Nott/ Veth's poor husband Yeza must continue waiting in capture while the Nein make connections in Xhorhas and try to gain favor by doing some digging into the rifts. The Nein do confront some ghastly opponents near a well in town. They end up following the apparitions down into the well and through a hidden tunnel. We'll have to wait and see where this tunnel leads and what new horrors they'll find at the source of the rift.

One segment I particularly enjoyed was Beau and Dairon's training session. I always found Beau's demeanor particularly revealing when she is with other members of the Cobalt Soul. Beau seems to genuinely respect Dairon. I am very interested to see more of Beau's backstory and see her character develop more. She's grown so much already and we still know almost nothing about her history.
Next week promises to be an interesting episode. We get a deeper dive into the rifts appearing in Xhorhas. And hopefully we get Ashley Johnson back any week! It's about time she joins the table and gives us more Yasha to love.
Don't Miss It!
There was a lot of exciting news in Critical Role Land again this week. The Kickstarter has officially passed $7 million! Only $1.8 million more until we get the final 2 episodes of the Briarwood arc! I personally can't wait to see this particular arc animated. The Kickstarter officially broke records within the first week of going live, surpassing the Mystery Science Theater 3000 reboot. This is huge for the DnD and animation community, showing execs and producers that there is in fact a huge demand for quality animated content. This is just the first step in taking Critical Role and DnD into mainstream media, and I'm all here for it.

There was also the announcement that The Mighty Nein are getting their very own comic book run through Dark Horse Comics. Along with a second series run of Vox Machina Origins. We're going to have more Critical Role content than we can handle!
Tickets to Critical Role Live at Gen Con go on sale this week! They will have a live Talks Machina on Saturday, August 3rd. Also, Critical Role will be at Emerald City Comic Con this weekend! Keep an eye on their website for scheduling info.
Between the Sheets came back from hiatus this week. Brian W. Foster interviewed the fantastic Christopher Perkins. There were a lot of things I loved about this interview and I came away feeling particularly bolstered by the discussion. Next week's episode is sure to be another winner, it's the illustrious Mary Elizabeth McGlynn! You won't want to miss this one.