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The Rose and Camellia Collection [Review]

Have any of you watched those Slap Fighting Championship videos where two people take turns slapping the very soul out of each other and think, "Ya, that would be a fun video game?" Well, our friends at WayForword have you covered. Rose and Camellia, which was previously available for mobile, is now available for the Nintendo Switch, and boy, was I surprised by this title. The outlandish story and gameplay bring so much charm to this title, and the game is fully voice-acted. At first, this game comes across as a visual novel with voice-acted cut scenes, as if it were an anime, along with an anime-style opening video.

 This over-the-top story is about a woman who married into a wealthy family but lost her husband but is still fighting to keep her title as the head of the family. The Rose and Camellia Collection relies solely on motion controls when it's connected to the TV, while in handheld mode, you play using the touch screen. The motion controls are fantastic, and I would never want to play it any other way. Players have to "Hold the A button to ready your hand," When you're ready to slap, players have to swing the controller. During your opponent's turn to slap, you hold RZ and swing before you get hit. Sometimes, if you perfect-dodge, you get a chance to counter-slap, and even when you get some good slaps, the game will have you grab and slap continuously before a timer is out. This game offers a two-player versus mode with 30+ characters to choose from.

The best part of this robust cast of characters is the "cameo" or mock characters that are available. Players that have played the La Maulana game series will recognize Mulbruk and fans of Saint Seiya will recognize Seika. There are plenty of characters people will point to the screen and say, " I know you... I think?" So get those reflexes ready and slap away with friends. The only downside to this game is that if you want to turn it on to do a few Slap fights, you have to go through the story. The game has no arcade mode. The Rose and Camellia Collection is a pleasant and random surprise to the fighting game or party game world, and I highly recommend it.