OBAKEIDORO! It's a hide-and-seek game for up to 4 players, local and online. OBAKEIDORO! Also offers 8 players online as well. Players are tasked with escaping the stage and surviving within a time limit, making sure not to get caught by the ghost roaming the stage. When playing offline, there are 3 players and one ghost on a split screen. One good and one bad thing is that players can't screen cheat to find the hiding spots of survivors, but this is only because the stages are so generically thrown together and are devoid of any true creativity that anyone screen cheating can't really look at another person's screen and know exactly where they are. The online has different events and rewards you can earn and the monsters and survivors also have unlockable skins.
This is a very fun game to play with friends. My friends and I enjoyed this game for about an hour and then it became stale. Since we are adults it was hard to enjoy this game for longer than an hour, since we've all been gaming for years and have played many games like this one that also provide more compelling gameplay. I think this game is fantastic for kids, and I can see it being loads of fun for them.
This game is fun. Probably better for people playing with there children or better for kids to play together. Don’t get me wrong! This game is something anyone can enjoy, Mileage will just vary from person to person. I had a friend that loved this game and the other friend that played with us hated it. I was very neutral, I personally love local multiplayer party games. The review score is reflected on the opinions of myself and the three others I conducted this review with.