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The Bridge Curse 2: The Extrication [Review]

The Bridge Curse 2: The Extrication, a Japanese style horror game, created by SOFTSTAR ENTERTAINMENT and was published by PQube and Gamera Games. Its plot is quite engaging, as it incorporates a new spin on the horror genre. There’s a combination of mystery and horror. Although the game doesn’t use the usual mystery approach seen in this type of game, it instead takes on a detective style. It reminded me a lot of Sega's Judgment series. The voice acting is very 1995 Resident Evil. Cheesy (and bad), but enjoyable. The events in The Bridge Curse 2 are all linked together and make for a very interesting story and several plot twists that will keep you on your toes and surprisingly scary moments that actually had me drop my controller. The Bridge Curse 2 does a wonderful job of keeping players engaged throughout the entire experience.

Like the Resident Evil Series, the game has plenty of puzzles, and at times I found myself stumped on what I was supposed to do. Since my fiancé plays a lot of horror and puzzle games, she helped me get through parts that I otherwise would have never been able to do on my own. Puzzles do have their variety and require a lot of thought from the player. The AI is incredibly smart and intense and will jump-scare even the most hardened horror gamers out here. Resident Evil 7 & 8 fans will adore this game, and anyone looking for one of the best horror experiences available should absolutely grab this game. The Bridge Curse 2: The Extrication Is available on Nintendo Switch, Steam, Play Station 5 and the Xbox family of consoles.