Absolute Batman #3 [Review]
Jeremy shares his thoughts on Absolute Batman #3 - as Bruce weighs the strategic benefits of a compromise with Black Mask!
Armored #3 [Review]
Jeremy digs into the latest issue of fantasy series Armored from Michael Schwartz and Ismael Hernandez - take a look!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 [Advance Review]
Jeremy checks out the latest issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as Leonardo's quest for redemption and desire for peace is shattered by the reality of the task ahead.
Dawnrunner #3 [Review]
Jeremy shares his thoughts on Dawnrunner issue 3, as Ram V and Evan Cagle’s sci-fi epic continues to evolve in all the best ways!
Principles of Necromancy #3 [Review]
Jeremy shares his thoughts on the latest issue of Principles of Necromancy - it’s a menagerie of the macabre as the Doctors have their annual conference!