Principles of Necromancy #3 [Review]

Principles of Necromancy #3 by Jackson Lanzing and Colin Kelly, with art by Eamon Winkle, delivers a gripping and unsettling continuation to the series. This issue, centered around a grotesque carnival of carnage, introduces readers to the annual conference of the world’s esteemed yet depraved Doctors. Far from the noble healers we know, these Doctors are mad scientists, each specializing in a unique field and conducting horrific experiments on citizens, which they present at this gathering.

The conference serves as a twisted spectacle where we meet practitioners from various branches, including anesthesiology, surgery, cosmetic surgery, and end-of-life care. Each Doctor brings a distinct brand of madness to their presentations, yet they all converge on a single tenet: "What is dead stays dead." This fundamental belief is what the young Doctor Eyes seeks to challenge. Introducing the concept of necromancy to his colleagues, Doctor Eyes finds himself in dangerous territory, and potentially on the wrong side of this macabre progress.

Lanzing and Kelly masterfully build tension and horror in this issue. The narrative pulls back the curtain on Jakob’s past, revealing more about his role as an apprentice to the lead Doctor, Abacus. This revelation adds an additional layer to his character, showcasing him as a "pet project" often looked down upon by his peers. The familiar narrative archetype of an underdog challenging the status quo is engaging, particularly against the backdrop of a morally bankrupt group clinging to their core belief.

The body horror in this issue is dialed up to eleven, with presentations that instill unease and discomfort. Eamon Winkle's artwork is particularly noteworthy here, as he captures the grotesque violence and unsettling experiments in a way that is both horrifying and captivating. His illustrations convey the visceral nature of the Doctors' work, as well as the nuanced emotions of disappointment, frustration, and rage that play out on their faces.

Winkle’s impact on the series is undeniable, earning him a nomination for the Russ Manning Promising Newcomer award. His art inspires morbid curiosity, perfectly complementing the dark themes of the comic. Each page is a blend of macabre beauty and detailed horror, making the reader both eager and anxious to turn the page.

Principles of Necromancy #3 successfully draws readers deeper into its vivid and unsettling world. The pacing is excellent, maintaining a balance between exposition and action. As we learn more about the protagonist and the twisted world he inhabits, the anticipation builds for future revelations, particularly concerning the city's King and Jakob's fate.

I’ve been saying it from the start, but this series is a must-read for fans of dark fantasy and horror. With stellar art, a compelling narrative, and a richly detailed world, Principles of Necromancy is a title that should be on every comic book enthusiast’s pull list. Lanzing and Kelly, along with Winkle’s unique artistic vision, continue to deliver a series that is as engaging as it is disturbing.

Final Score: 9/10


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