Smushi Come Home [Review]
Smushi Come Home is an adventure game developed by SomeHumbleOnion and published by Mooneye Studios. Smushi is a soft-spoken mushroom that lives on a small patch of land in the middle of a lake. And when a bird grabs Smushi while looking for food, the little mushroom must venture out and find its way back home. Smushi Come Home is a brilliant little game that allows players to explore at their own pace and in any way you like.
There are no time limits or stressful encounters. I was exploring a forest and meeting a bunch of interesting characters. Some creatures have quests they will give you to help them "and if you do" some will give you gems; and others could even give you a new costume! There aren’t too many, but there are different costumes you can wear, like changing Smushi’s red mushroom top to a purple one. Of course, you can do the required missions and try to get Smushi home without any side quests. But the game is already short, clocking in at around three and a half hours. So, exploring all the extra bits of content gives you about an hour of extra play.
Not only is there so much to look at, but the games visuals are fantasic as well. I took time to look around and appreciate the graphics and cozy art style. My favorite is how the water looks. When you put the camera underwater the visuals look so cool and calm and isn’t overwhelming. The character designs are adorable and show the scale of the game. Especially when Smushi gets its “sword”. Which in reality is a sewing needle that Smushi uses to cut down foliage to get into more nooks and crannies. Smushi also uses a leaf to glide around. These little trinkets show how small Smushi is and how big the forest truly is.
Smushi Come Home is an amazing little game to sit down and play. Whether you decide to play the game for 30 minutes or sit down and play it all at once, it's still a great game. It's calm and peaceful, with no stressful elements at all, so you really can take it at your own pace. I highly recommend the game to those who love cozy and cute games, or even to those who just love plants. The game has a mushroom encyclopedia that teaches you about different mushrooms. A small detail, but it shows how much love was put into every little thing. I adore cute and cozy games and love to just run around and explore seemingly endless maps. This game is right up my alley and deserves an 8/10 for scratching that itch I have for little games like this one. Smushi Come Home is available now for Switch and PC.
The game has a mushroom encyclopedia that teaches you about different mushrooms. A small detail, but it shows how much love was put into every little thing. I adore cute and cozy games and love to just run around and explore seemingly endless maps. This game is right up my alley and deserves an 8/10 for scratching that itch I have for little games like this one.