Sker Ritual [Review]

If you’re a fan of Call of Duty Zombies, there's a very good chance you would like Sker Ritual. Sker is a game where you are holed up and defending yourself and your team against an onslaught of enemies for endless waves, at least until you complete the stage. It’s a stressful environment of trying to survive while getting enough points to buy stronger weapons. Sker Ritual was developed and published by Wales Interactive.

Sker Ritual is a game with a lot of potential, but it also has a few glaring problems that are hard to look over. It is not new-player-friendly. If you try to spend any time reading things like the miracles and what they do before selecting them, you’ve already died. And if you want to try to change your settings at all, you’re going to have to do it outside of gameplay. The time in between rounds is insanely short, and there is no timer telling you how much time you have, or it is not noticeable. Enemies just appear. Another thing is, that enemies don’t come from somewhere specific sometimes; they just spawn randomly and sometimes on top of you. The game mimics COD Zombies but is missing a very key feature: you can’t board things up. There is nothing you can do to bottleneck the enemies or slow down their spawning. If it’s your first time playing, you almost have to play it on the easier difficulty just so you can understand the game without dying in the first thirty seconds.

There are a few lesser problems that don’t have to do with the gameplay as well. The screen would sometimes shake. It shook uncontrollably for me, even if enemies were not off-screen. I had to take a break because it gave me a headache. The screen especially shakes when there are a lot of enemies. Changing your settings doesn’t fix this issue. Also, the audio will sometimes skip and glitch.

Without the issues, Sker is a fun action game to play with your friends. It’s a very good multiplayer title, but I can see it getting boring and irritating playing alone. With friends, you have a better chance at survival since the game won’t end when you die. There isn’t much of a grace period when it comes to reviving teammates. You get swarmed with enemies before you can even get halfway through the reviving. So, I wouldn’t count on your teammates being able to help you back up.

The game needs polishing and can get repetitive and boring after a bit. Luckily, the game provides four different maps, all with different stories, goals, and enemy types. This keeps the game fresh and allows a lot more gameplay out of it than if there were just one. Sker Ritual Is available for PC, PlayStation 5 and the Xbox family of consoles.

The screen would sometimes shake. It shook uncontrollably for me, even if enemies were not off-screen. I had to take a break because it gave me a headache. The screen especially shakes when there are a lot of enemies. Changing your settings doesn’t fix this issue. Also, the audio will sometimes skip and glitch.

You get swarmed with enemies before you can even get halfway through the reviving. So, I wouldn’t count on your teammates being able to help you back up.

The game mimics COD Zombies but is missing a very key feature: you can’t board things up. There is nothing you can do to bottleneck the enemies or slow down their spawning. If it’s your first time playing, you almost have to play it on the easier difficulty just so you can understand the game without dying in the first thirty seconds.

I Will re-review the game after future updates. This game has everything it needs to be game of the year or at least a 9/10. The glitches and some of the gameplay aspects hold this game back.. at least for me.


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