PSX 2017 Spotlight: Fantasy Strike

By: MithrandielMy time at the Playstation Experience was an awesome whirlwind of upcoming Sony hype and a spotlight on some really exciting indie games coming out. One such title was Fantasy Strike, a unique fighting game designed by former pro EVO player and Street Fighter designer Kevin Sirlin.Looking to simplify a typically complex genre, Fantasy Strike is a unique title in that there are no complex joystick movements. No quarter circle or dragon punch inputs, simply forward or back, an handful of special moves and a jump function.Seeing the game in action, I was intrigued and wanted to learn more. Mr. Sirlin was kind enough to talk to me about the game, its development, and his inspiration for creating it. Take a listen![arve url="" /]Interested in learning more about the game? You can find their website here.


Coming in 2018: Mithical Entertainment is becoming The Geekly Grind!


PSX 2017 Spotlight: Super Meat Boy Forever