By: RogueSymbiote

The ultimate showdown between flawed heroes and necrotic villains commences! If you've read any of my previous reviews for No One Left To Fight (NOLTF) you know of my unabashed love for this series. With issue 5 currently announced as the final installment, it's with a heavy heart that I write this while hoping for a renewal from Dark Horse Comics.

When we last left Vale, Timor and Krysta, the Hierophant had resurrected the powerful Bruton. This issue is action packed from start to finish. It turns out that when there actually is someone left to fight, our heroes can seriously throw down. The presentation of Vale and Timor's abilities, fight tactics and motivations reveal so much about their character and history. The subtle ways in which the dialogue and art portray their tumultuous friendship is executed perfectly. Writer Aubrey Sitterson's use of verbal polarization between Vale and Timor is brilliant. The clear influence from Dragon Ball Z is cranked up to 11.

NOLTF issue 5 is one of the most visually dynamic and stunningly beautiful comics I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Artist Fico Ossio's use of color, motion, angles and panelling make every page a visual buffet. The unique portrayal of battle mixed with extreme attention to detail is inspiring.

While I genuinely enjoyed this issue, it's obvious that the epic is not meant to end here. Story elements end abruptly, which wouldn't be of concern if it wasn't the potential final issue. Mystery surrounding many aspects of the series have yet to be fully revealed leaving readers with unanswered questions and a lack of finality. As I've said before, there needs to be more. MUCH more. There are so many things I want to talk about, but that'll have to wait for my spoiler review. Reach out to your local comic shops and Dark Horse to voice your love for NOLTF and let's try to keep this refreshing series alive and well!

No One Left To Fight issue 5 hits comic shelves on Nov 6th so make sure to pick up your copy. Preorder your copy right here! You can also help support this fantastic comic by preordering the No One Left To Fight trade paperback by following the link right here!

Note: Dark Horse provided us with a review copy in exchange for an honest review.


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