The Geekly Grind

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Princess of Previews: My Most Anticipated New Game Releases 11/21/2021-11/27/2021

Hi ya’ll! Welcome to another installment of games I am excited for this week. This week is pretty light on game releases, with this week being Thanksgiving and Black Holiday. Still, there are a few interesting games I want to cover!

I have no idea what I'm looking at

DEEEER Simulator:Your Average Everday Deer Game is first up. This looks to just be a goofy sandbox game about a deer with a neck that stretches. The screenshots seem to suggest quite a dearth of weird things are in this town including a cow that plays chess and bear police. In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve recently had a collision with a deer that absolutely wrecked my car. I have learned the hard way how terrifying deer are, and not quite at the point where I can laugh at silly deer hijinks. I’m still highlighting this as I think it will appeal to many people. Given it’s a light week, this will probably be making the youtube/twitch rounds. This released today on Steam and Xbox, and will drop on the PS4 and Nintendo Switch on 11/25/2021.

Date Night Bowling is a cute little pixel art game about, surprise, surprise, the first date at a bowling alley. This seems to be a little micro game compilation combined with arcade bowling where you both try to win the game and have a successful date. There’s variety though, as you can choose 10 different characters to set up with each other, with some combos working better than others. Stay tuned to hear more, as I have preordered this for the switch (thanks spare Nintendo points) and will have a review up next week. This drops 11/26/2021 on Nintendo Switch and Steam.

And that’ Just two games this week. You bet. Super slim pickings this week. But next week is going to be much much beefier. Just you wait.