My Hero Academia - Volume 15 (Review)
By: EyeSpyeAlex
I’m back with another thrilling review of My Hero Academia! Luckily enough for all of us readers, volume 15 wastes no time in getting into the action. Need to catch up? Check out my previous review here!
The story
Volume 15 of My Hero Academia picks up right where the previous volume ended. Out on patrol, Midoriya and Mirio bump into Chisaki, who has a young girl named Eri with him. This girl seems absolutely terrified of Chisaki, causing Midoriya to confront the villain. When Chisaki leads the pair into an alleyway to explain the situation he begins removing his gloves. This causes the girl to immediately run back to him, and the pay return to the Hassaikai headquarters.
Shaken by this close encounter, Mirio and Midoriya head back to Nighteye’s office and explain their encounter. With this new information, Nighteye immediately begins assembling a team of superheroes to capture Chisaki. Among other big name heroes, Nighteye enlists help from Aizawa and Gran Torino. Tsuyu, Uraraka, and Nejire also join the team with their workstudy hero, Dragoon Hero Ryuku. The remaining member of The Big Three, Tamaki, is also in attendance with Kirishima and their workstudy hero, Fat Gum.
With Nighteye’s assistance, Bubble Girl and Centipeder explain the intel mission they’ve been conducting. They’ve been following a group called the Reservoir Dogs who have been dealing quirk-destroying drugs to the League of Villains. If that wasn’t disturbing enough, the substance is made of human cells and blood. The theory is that it’s Chisaki’s is using his daughter’s blood to make and distribute these bullets. Chisaki’s own quirk is overhaul, which allows him to destroy and reassemble anything he touches at will. With these two extremely powerful quirks, the father-daughter duo may be the most dangerous villains the world has encountered.

The mention of the quirk-destroying bullet reminds Fat Gum of a pair of thieves that he, Tamaki, and Kirishima had encountered on a patrol. The thief uses a quirk-cancelling bullet on Tamaki, rendering the young hero unable to use his quirk for several hours. When confronting Kirishima, the thief uses a quirk-enhancing drug on himself. Luckily, Fat Gum was there to help Kirishima apprehend the thief, allowing Kirishima to escape the fight unharmed.
With all the information laid bare, Nighteye has the heroes split into their respective teams to scour the city for information on Eri’s location. They quickly find out that Eri has been at the Hassaikai headquarters the entire time, and it’s all thanks to a toy. Nighteye runs into a Hassaikai staff member looking to buy a Pretty Yure toy. Using his foresight, he sees the Hassaikai member giving the toy to Eri back at their headquarters. With that information and the location known, the group readies for what is sure to be a brutal battle at Hassaikai headquarters.
The Review
Wow. Midoriya and Mirio came so close to being killed that it’s not funny. Chisaki’s quirk and these quirk-cancelling bullets put all of our heroes at risk of death or a life of normalcy. While I’m sure some of our favorites may have plot armor, it’s cool to see them all invulnerable to something. Hopefully they can take down Chisaki with little to no casualties.
Speaking of casualties, this latest volume explains something that has been hanging over everyone’s heads: All Might’s falling out with Nighteye. All Might reveals to Midoriya that Nighteye has foreseen All Might’s death and that it is going to occur in the next year or two. He also confirms that at he was going to choose Mirio as his successor at the president’s suggestion. However, meeting Midoriya first and seeing his potential through that plan out the window.
This revelation does a good job of establishing an endgame for All Might’s character. His time as Midoriya’s teacher and sensei is going to come to an end sooner rather than later. While it will be heartbreaking to see a beloved hero and symbol of justice killed off, we can at least beginning emotionally preparing for it. Given that Midoriya already has the One for All quirk, it’s a matter of when he will take over All Might’s role, not if.
On top of having a stellar story, volume 15 of My Hero Academia does an excellent job showcasing different heroes’ quirks. Tamaki’s ability to transform his body parts into any animal he’s eaten is incredible! Not only is it a unique ability, but it allows him to be more versatile in battle, choosing the body part that is most useful to transform. I guess you are what you eat after all!
Information on where and how to purchase My Hero Academia volume 15 can be found here.