The Geekly Grind

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Musashi vs. Cthulhu [Review]

Musashi vs. Cthulhu is called a beat 'em up, but it's not. Also, it doesn't offer much content. Musashi vs. Cthulhu reminds me of One Finger Death Punch, but is not fun. It uses the HP Love Craft dark and gritty art and color scheme, and the gameplay's a lot like a phone game. There is one button for the left side of the screen and a button for the right side of the screen. As enemies approach, you push the corresponding buttons to kill them. This game isn't bad, but there isn't a lot to it, and the gameplay style the developers chose is very safe. The trailer below shows exactly how the game plays. This is one of those cases where you can watch the trailer or someone play the game and know what you are getting into. Musashi vs. Cthulhu is available for all current gaming platforms for $4.99.