Let's Get Quirky! April 2018 Loot Anime Unboxing
By: MithrandielAs I mentioned in the previous unboxing article, we got two Loot Anime boxes back-to-back! What does the April box have in store for us? Time to find out!The box had a bit more thickness to it this month...And opening it up, we're greeted with an apparel item from one of the quirkiest shows in recent memory: Pop Team Epic!
I'll be the first to admit I never really got into the show, but the design on the front and back is sure to make this piece a favorite for fans of the series.Beneath the shirt, an item that I haven't seen included in a Loot Anime box before...a pillow?
A pretty cool one at that! This Konosuba inspired pillow sports 16-bit renditions of some of the characters, and is soft...like all good pillows should be. So, next time you want to impress guests with your fancy assortment of miniature pillows, don't forget to toss this one into the mix!While you're relaxing on your new pillow, make sure to take the time to read the included manga volume for this month: Baccano! volume 1.
A gangster-inspired series that has equal parts mafia intrigue, supernatural shenanigans and incredible violence, Baccano is sure to entertain. No better place to start than volume 1!Now, moving on through this quirky box...what. What the...
...It's a handkerchief. With the Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen guy. I don't know what else to say besides it should...serve well as a handkerchief?The poster gives a breakdown of the quirky box, and things round out with a pin from Delicious in Dungeon.
Perhaps one of the coolest things about this box was the art. They essentially ran a 4-panel comic along the inside:
Our resident Japanese-speaker essentially translates this Popuko awaiting Pipimi's arrival, to which she makes a grand stage entry. Popuko comments at the end "She's a real entertainer."Let's get a birds eye view of this box:
Awesome selection all around! Not to mention embracing the "Quirky" theme whole-heartedly!If you're looking to get monthly selections of anime-inspired swag, be sure to use our link here and take advantage of the awesome 20% off deal happening through the month of May!Note - Many thanks to Loot Anime for providing us with these boxes monthly in exchange for our honest review!