Kickstart Your Weekend - Need to Know

Need to Know

Type: Simulation Computer gameFunding End Date: March 11, 2016Funding Status: Funded[yasr_multiset setid=8]

The Story

Counter Intelligence has become much more sophisticated in the 21st Century. With the numerous forms of communication that we have, monitoring has evolved as well. Threats to this nations security come from many different avenues. You have been given the tools, but the question for you now is: What will you use your new unfettered access for? What compromises will you make to protect your Country? Or do you just want more power?

The Gameplay

In Need to Know you take the role of an agent of the Department of Liberty. Your job is to uncover your target's intentions and determine if they are a threat or innocent. In the beginning you only have surface level information to go off of; things like browser history or Drivers License info, but as you level up (Gain Clearance Levels in this case) you can drill deeper into their lives. The game seems to play a bit like "Papers Please" and "Phoenix Wright, in that you have a ton of data and have to select the correct items to take action on your target.Need to Know - UIThe UI of Need to Knowis setup so that you have all the information on hand to make a decision. The creators have stated that it's subject to change, so based on what we see from the Screenshots and the preview vid, this could be a good thing. Right now there are many Icons and features that have been added so it seems a bit overwhelming if they're just going to throw this all at you at once. Hopefully each new feature will be addressed overtime much like "Papers Please" but organized so it's not so DIY.From what has been released, it looks like there will be a Time Element to the game as well. As you can see from the screencap above, you will have a Cell phone on screen most of the time which shows date and time progression. Date probably indicates events that you will need to implement or prevent. A green timer around the Hour as well is, what I'm guessing, how long you have to work in the a given day.Need to Know - AdvancementAs you progress, you will unlock Clearance Levels, which will allow you deeper access to your targets. This seems to be the basis of progression, however judging from the above screen, there's an extensive merit system to show how well you're doing. Gaining Clearance is one thing, but you also increase your salary, Net worth, housing, travel accommodations, Reputation, Medals, and more. It isn't clear yet if any of this effects game play, but quick scenes from the teaser show that you can possibly get evicted from your housing at least. This will most likely extend to other aspects as well, probably repo of your car, debt, or getting stripped of your rank depending on what actions you take during the game.

The Pedigree

Need to Know is the first game from Monomyth Games. The principal programmer Quincy Geary is training in AI and Game Design. Creative Director Tristram Geary has run the Australian based Production company Torchborne Screens for several years now. They've employed the talents of John Hargreaves to flesh out the visuals of Need to Know.This is a new endeavour for them all, but considering they've surpassed their Goal by 300%, we're all excited to see what they can do.

The Perks

So far the game has reached all its advertised stretch goals. In addition to the base game, all pledges of $11 or more will receive:Additional Unlockables in game6 Bonus MissionsCustomizing your Main CharacterAdditional Co-Workers and Rivals added to the storyClearance level 0, You can find secrets that only a select few know.Unlock Arcade mode, the game will include a mode where you continuously investigate randomly generated suspects.All levels include the previous levels unless stated.For Pledging you will get(all bids converted to US$):$1.50 - You get Access to the Progress updates and 3 exclusive Kickstarter wallpapers$11 - You get the Game!$18 - You get Beta Access and Dev updates.$23 - You get a PDF Dossier of the Intelligence Community, the soundtrack, and your name in the credits.$35 - You get Exclusive in-game assets and The Celebrity Scandal storyline.$49 - You get to create a Suspect!$70 - You get a USB ID card like your character in the game with the full game loaded on it and all digital rewards unlocked and a signed thank you card from the team!$106 - You get your likeness in the game and a T-shirt!All other levels have run out.

The Verdict


I've funded this game at the $11 level.Honestly, I'm not too fond of gating in game content based on tiered access. Either make it DLC or put it in the game; Beta Access I can understand having a tier for that, same with stuff like the soundtrack, getting your custom content put in, or even physical items like the USB ID and Teeshirt. But don't tell me that I need to front another $24 to get a story or in-game items, if you're going to exclude those, they should have been Kickstarter Exclusive rewards and price the game itself a bit higher.Now that I'm done with that rant... Need to Know looks very fun. If they put half of the features they're advertising in the game, I will enjoy taking the path of the self-serving government Big brother. While the aesthetic could use a little polish, and some heavy editing is needed so we don't get bogged down in features, it has the same potential to wow us as "Papers Please".Happy Funding!


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