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Critical Role Review: Dalen's Closet One-Shot

By: I.Am.No.Man

Dalen's Closet: Vox Machina One-Shot

I was not emotionally prepared for this absolute roller coaster of a one-shot. I was expecting a fun and jovial beach vacation peek into Vox Machina's retirement years. Maybe some brief scenes of ever-complex pranks. And a beautifully role played wedding of Vex'alia and Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III. But No. There was more blood, mass poisoning, vampires, graphic violence, death, and crying than the Chroma Conclave arc put together. Way to blind side us Vox Machina.

Seriously though, I held on to the edge of my seat through the ENTIRE second half of the episode. That cliff hanger was one of the best Mercer cliff hangers we"ve had in a bit. Before we get into all that chaos though, lets talk about the first half of this wonderful one-shot.

It is always so great to see Vox Machina back on Critical Role. Sometimes these nostalgia episodes can go a bit overboard on the inside jokes and call backs. This one shot though, has everything you love about Vox Machina, while giving us more action, more danger, and more heartfelt moments that we didn't even know we needed. Liam jumps in with a half-elf fighter named Derrig, as Keyleth"s bodyguard plus one. He brought a lovable dry humor with a sickly sweet father of four backstory that made him immediately endearing. Even Taryon Darrington and his loveable companion Doty make appearances. I was also thrilled to see Ashley Johnson back in her chair for this episode.

The first half started to put me in a happy Vox Machina lull, enjoying the humor and good old character interactions. And then there was wine. Wine, I might add, that is from the same region of Wildemount as Beau"s family. That moment when the entire wedding party began dropping like flies had my stomach in my throat.

Art by: @BearlyMolly

The events of the one shot begin to blur together for me once the party falls to the effects of the poison. Both Grog and Derrig, though conscious, are unable to help their companions as darkness and shadowy figures tie them up and drag them to the cliffs edge. Where the mastermind villain finally reveals himself!

I think the Briarwood had us all shook. Chat had been shouting it since the wine poisoning before break, but I figured they were all nuts, because obviously Briarwood was dead. We all watched him get annihilated by a sunbeam. I was mistaken. Out of all the villains to return, I was not prepared for this bloodsucker.

Vox Machina put up an intense, bloody, and desperate fight. Grog took a massive beating from waves of vampire horde. Keyleth saved the day with her druid shapeshifting and day light spell. Pike is Vox Machina"s literal lifesaver once again after Vex dies after being thrown off a cliff and drowning. Redemption is hers, though, as she gets to end Sylas once and for all with the How Do You Want To Do This blow.

Even after the action dies down and the wedding celebration can resume, the emotional roller coaster has not finished its ride. Sam Riegel swoops in with a final Wish spell that briefly reunites Vox Machina for this special moment. The Raven Queen shows her benevolent side and Vaxildan is allowed to bestow his love and blessing on his sister and his friends one last time. There was not a dry eye among cast and critter as Vax reached out to his loved ones. Sam, you beautiful bastard, you always know how to hit us in the heart strings.

All in all, this is a one-shot for the books. One of the best of the Kickstarter one-shots weve had. Talks Machina will feature Liam and Laura talking about this one shot, so you wont want to miss it! Critical Role will be back to its normal broadcasting schedule this Thursday! And please remember, it's not just a saying. Don't forget to love each other. (Thank you CritGemHero.