Critical Role Review: Campaign 2 Episode 44

By: I.Am.No.Man

Episode 44: The Diver's Grave

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Fjord leads the Mighty Nein to the bottom of the sea in search of his ship's wreck. There, in the darkness of the ocean floor, Fjord comes across a familiar sight. His old ship, the Tide's Breath, lies there in it's watery grave. The group cautiously approach, searching for any signs of danger. The way appears clear, so Fjord and Jester begin to thoroughly investigate the ship. Fjord finds familiar sights and objects from his old life, though he notices that it appears someone has looted many of Vandrin's belongings. There is no sign of another Cloven Crystal orb anywhere on the ship.

Fjord and Jester become aware that they are being watched. It appears their lights have drawn some Marrow to come investigate. The Nein launch an attack on the several marrow that have surrounded them. They easily dispatch the few attackers before more can be summoned. Fjord suggests moving on and asks Jester if she can magically sense the other crystal around. After a few moments of concentrating, Jester is aware of the presence of another crystal at least 1000 feet away. The Nein quickly and quietly begin to follow the beacon.

Art by: Jem Leigh

Jester's signal leads them to a spooky cavern. Beau is convinced that this is Dashila's lair. Dashila, the sea hag monster that lurks in these waters, is known to hold some kind of magic ability over people and has apparently created quite a graveyard in this area. The ocean floor here is littered with shipwrecks. Though extremely on edge, the Nein decide to explore the creepy cave.

The outside of the cavern is littered with gold that glitters in a magical light. The Nein agree not to touch any of the gold or treasure in the area as that might alert Dashila to their presence. Inside the cavern, the walls and ceiling seem to be lined in a strange colored seaweed. Fjord steps too close to the wall and a piece of seaweed reaches out and grabs his leg. They realize that the seaweed is drawn to the warmth of their bodies. They take extra care to stay away from the walls.

The Nein creep further into the cave, traversing one of several pathways. Along the way, several members of the Nein feel an icy chill on the back of their necks and a shadowy presence just on the edge of their vision. Only Caduceus catches the very edge of a movement, though he can't quite make out what it is. Slightly spooked, Caleb creates some small lights for them and is instantly frightened by an image of a pale, ghostly man staring just feet away from them. They back away, but the figure disappears back into the walls. Around another corner, a ghost sneaks up on Beau and begins to posses her, until Caduceus casts away the undead. The Nein then realize that the soft ocean floor has given way to silt absolutely covered in bones, both marrow and humanoid. Caleb notices that the walls are carved with ancient runes, an old magic that is beyond even him.

The room is also littered with gold and silver treasures. Apparently they have stumbled into a creature's treasure hoard. In the center of the room, a large throne catches Caduceus' attention. He knows that this is where the Cloven Crystal is hidden. Out of the corner of his eye, he glances up at the ceiling just as a figure clambers back into the dense seaweed. He recognized Dashila, a woman with two glowing yellow eyes, hair that hung down to cover her face, enormous sharp teeth with thin pale lips pulled into a ghastly smile. Before Caduceus can call out, Dashila raises the spirits of all who have perished in her lair. The room is filled with ghastly apparitions. She meet Caleb's gaze and with a single dark glare, sucks the life energy from his body. He begins to float unconscious towards the ceiling.

art by: Yetti

The Nein battle ferociously against Dashila's dark powers. The Nein manage to review Caleb as Jester attacks Dashila with her beastly, jagged lollipop spiritual weapon. Dashila had unknowingly placed curses on several of the Nein, and now she turns them against each other. Fjord, lost in a haze of confusion attacks Beau and Caleb. The Nein still manage to put up a hell of a fight and Dashila begins to realize she is outnumbered. She flees the throne room and disappears into the seaweed once again. Beau and Caduceus try to pursue but quickly lose her in the darkness. Fjord searches for the Cloven Crystal and finds it hidden near the throne. He eagerly absorbs the crystal and a new glowing eye appears in the pommel of his falchion.

Caleb inspects the rune carved pedestal in the corner of the room. It is covered in coagulated blood and out of curiosity, he places his cut palm onto the runes. They begin glowing under his bloody palm, which drawns Fjord's attention. Fjord also decides to join the ritual and places his cut palm down as well. They both feel a surprisingly large drain of life force as the runes absorb their blood. The runes glow a haunting red and a sense of dread comes over the party. Caleb and Fjord think better of the idea and pull their hands away, seemingly ending the ritual.

The Nein make their way back towards the surface and reach their ship just as a monstrous storm begins to roil overhead. Apparently, Dashila finished whatever ritual Caleb and Fjord had started and summoned a powerful hurricane. They quickly get the ship out of the stormy weather and towards a nearby island chain to see if they can repair their still damaged ship.


Welcome Back! I feel like so much has happened since last week... Incredible new Intro, Art Show and Vox Machina one-shot announcement, and next week's guest star anouncement! Let's dive right in to the review of this week's episode.

What a freaky episode! Dashila was much more frightening than I thought she would be. I'm with Travis on this one... that was freaky watching Matt describe Dashila for the first time. I think after such an action packed few episode's I'm ready for a nice relaxing beach vacation episode again. Hopefully the Nein can make it to an island quickly and get off this ship. I can't handle another haunted week of spooky shipwrecks.


I can't wait to see where Fjord takes this story next. I know he's jonesing to get his hands on some of that sweet Uk'otoa power. How far is he willing to let it go though? I'm also really curious to see where the story will lead afterwards. I really have no idea who's backstory will get called on next.

I was thrilled to see that Deborah Ann Woll will be guest starring next week! I caught bits and pieces of her play in Force Grey and the stream of many eyes game. I also think that after next week Ashley Johnson may be returning to the show!

Mark your calender's for Saturday January 18th!! Critical Role is hosting a Vox Machina one shot. Vox Machina: The Search For Grog! Detailing the harrowing adventure of Vox Machina rescuing Grog after his soul was captured by a card in the Deck of Many Things. Taliesin Jaffe, Laura Bailey and Sam Riegel will all reprise their original Vox Machina Characters.  Travis and Liam will be there playing new characters as well VIP Tickets go on sale Saturday December 15th while the General Admission tickets are available Sunday, December 16th .I.Can't.Wait! That weekend will also be the Critical Role art show: Art of Exandria. The show opens Friday January 17th with the reception at 7 pm. Tickets to the reception are free but RSVP is required. The show will remain open at the Nucleus Art Gallery through 8 pm on Sunday January 19th. You don't want to miss Art Dad Liam O'Brien's hand picked collection of fan art on display.


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