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Critical Role Review: C3 Episode 15

By: I.Am.No.Man

Episode 15: The Tunnels Below


Bell's Hells spend the evening recouping at Lord Eshteross' estate after saying goodbye to Dorian and Cyrus. The next morning, the gang agree that it's high time they check out Jrusar's vast mining caves to look for evidence of Lady Emoth and Duggar's bizarre transformations.

On the way to the entrance of the mines, Bell's Hells are stopped by some familiar figures from the ball. Gus and Olly, the detective duo known as The Green Seekers seem to be very interested in what the gang is up to. Bell's Hells soon find themselves cornered into a tense conversation with the two detectives over their shady activities during the ball. The gang defend themselves against the Green Seeker's accusations and make a case that they can actually help the detectives find the answers they're looking for. The Green Seekers begrudgingly befriend Bell's Hells and agree to accompany them to the mines.

At the entrance to the mines, Gus runs into a shockingly familiar face. Apparently his ex, Ogdes, still works here manning the gates. Gus and Odges spend a strange few minutes awkwardly reconnecting after an emotional break up. The gang to their best to not get too involved, even though FCG's naturally therapeutic tendencies add an interesting layer to the ex's interactions. Eventually, Ogdes agrees to take them to Foreman Shotan who oversees the Crownset Cavern.

Foreman Shotan is no match for the Green Seeker's surprisingly violent information gathering techniques and the Bell's Hells abilities to read minds. They make quick work of the distraught Foreman and learn that Armand Treshi has ordered this section of the mine to be closed and secret packages to be delivered. The gang definitely feel like they're on the right track here and convince the Foreman to let them explore the abandoned mine shafts.

Bell's Hells and the Green Seekers spend the next couple hours making their way through the vast and deep mine shafts. Even though they are quietly and carefully exploring, they manage to stumble into a nest of Shade Creepers. They notice a new, strange breed of mutated Shade Creepers mixed in with the usual imp sized beasties they've been battling. While the gang are able to make quick work of the dozen or so Shade Creepers, they do take some significant damage and expend a lot of energy taking them out.

Still, the group presses on, determined to find any clues about Duggar's or Lady Emoth's transformations. Down to deeper and darker tunnels they go. And, just their luck, guess why they stumble upon slinking in the shadows?? A grotesquely slimy Lady Emoth greets the adventurers in the bowels of the spire. She looks more monstrous than before with gaping holes, like flaccid mouths, open on her back. She's just expelled more newborn Shade Creepers from her body.

The gang do their best to surround Lady Emoth and cut off her escape. Unbeknownst to them, another figure awaits in the darkness for them. As they stealthily move through the room, Chetney makes a horrifying discovery. A pulsating sludge of flesh begins to slough off the wall behind Lady Emoth. A distorted torso and elongated arms ending in claws emerge from the fleshy mouth. An elongated neck rises up, holding an eyeless head and sharp toothy maw. Lady Emoth suddenly speaks with a knowing glance back at the hidden adventurers. "Mother, we have guests." And that's where we'll pick up next time!

Art by: @workbystarlight


Not quite what I was expecting from this week's session, but still a fun and engaging dive down an interesting rabbit hole. I thought for sure the Bell's Hells would high tail it out of town and take on the paid job in the Heartmore. But I guess fate had some different ideas. Instead, the gang seek to fix their reputation, and finally find some evidence to support their claims against Lady Emoth.

The wind up to the main action portion of the episode moved at a bit of a leisurely pace, though not slow enough to lose my interest completely. I was intrigued when the Green Seekers confronted the party. And of course, the gang manage to somehow befriend the jaded investigators and convince them to come on this mission into the bowels of the spire in search for evidence.

In a strange, but endearing interaction, Mercer decided to make two of his NPC's into scorned lovers having their first post breakup interaction here in the middle of our session. I started off amused, though a bit confused at this choice. Though, it partially seemed to serve as an avenue to endear the Bell's Hells to the Green Seekers more than ever. Gus and Ogdes' interactions were painfully hilarious to watch. And though their relationship had nothing to do with the story at large, it did make for a fun little interlude. It also gave FCG a chance to dust off those therapizing mediator skills and hop into the middle of the conversation before it got too heated.

Then we moved into a second, just as strange interaction, with Foreman Shotan. Laudna's natural 20 intimidation definitely changed the tone of the conversation. Though between the light physical torture from the Green Seeker's and Imogen and FCG's mind reading, the gang got all the information they needed to know they're on the right path. All signs continue to point to Lord Treshi as the man in charge of all the weirdness happening around Jrusar.

The main encounter of the session was definitely a pre-boss level encounter. Just enough to do some hefty damage without leaving anyone on death's door. But the gang is definitely not at a fresh 100% as they face off against Lady Emoth and her horrifying Mother. Mercer laid on another gag-inducing monster with this Mother character. Of course she couldn't just be some queen bee Shade Creeper transforming people into monster making slime she has to be the creepiest looking flesh blob we ever did see.

Next week will pick up right in the middle of this intense encounter. Will our adventurers choose to stand and fight? Or will they make a break for it, knowing that the Green Seekers have seen enough to be convinced of their innocence? Don't worry Critters! We'll be finding out soon. Is it Thursday yet!?

Art by: @3rdclover

Don't Miss It!

The Elden Ring One Shot was a blast! The guest stars really shone in this episode. Brennan Lee Mulligan is the DnD crossover Critters have been hoping for and he does not disappoint. He fits in seamlessly at the table, has a great feel for the rhythm of the role play and improv at the table and shines in scene stealing comedic moments. Krystina Arielle is wholly dedicated to her character and captures the heart of (almost) everyone at the table. I loved her dedication and quick wit and ability to drop some fabulously quippy one liners. And of course Alexander Ward shone with his dry humor and skepticism. This one shot is definitely worth checking out if you have a few hours of extra free time.

Critical Role's 7th anniversary is fast approaching! In celebration, you can catch the 17th episode of Campaign 3 in select theaters across the United States and Brazil. Also, be on the lookout for an all new State of the Role to drop Monday March 14th to stay up to date on all the latest news coming from Critical Role.