Critical Role Review: C2 Episode 92

By: I.Am.No.Man

Episode 92:

After Caleb's spell falters against Nott's curse, the Nein take a moment to collect their thoughts and connect some threads. Beau finally admits that her father's strange story may have more significance than she thought. It seems like it may be time for Beau to go back home for some answers.

Many of us have been waiting for a deep dive into Beau's story. It's so rare that a character's backstory still has living parents to interact with! Probably for the main reason that handing Matt Mercer a living, breathing parental figure to be used against your PC in unknown and usually emotionally taxing ways is too intimidating for most of the group.

Beau's story has many details that have been left unsaid or only told from Beau's rather jaded teenaged perspective. As expected, Beau's relationship with her family is not as black and white as it seemed as first. She has the realization that her parent were in fact fallible human beings for the first time when her father explains his reasoning behind sending her away so dramatically. But at the same time, Thoreau is absolutely ignorant to how his fears and ambitions have ruined his most important relationships.

Thoreau struggles to justify Beau's anger, choosing to focus on her misdeeds rather than her merits. His own anxieties overshadow his daughters strong will and independence which creates a gulf between them that seems impossible to cross. He also shows a deep seated superstitious, almost religious, fear of the unnatural circumstances behind his success. We'll see how long his trinkets and luck charms save him from his day of reckoning.

Beau also shared a sweet moment with her baby brother TJ and her mother Clara. She shows her tender side and lays raw the still aching nerve of her need to please her family. I have really enjoyed watching Beau grow over these 92 episodes.

Art By: @hierothraxs

Now that Beau's backstory has been picked apart, let's talk about everything else that happened in this session. Jester has another meet up with her father, who still seems completely at a loss on how to handle Jester. She does manage to con free drinks, and free horses for the group out of her that's awesome. She is already so protective and curious about her parents 'relationship' and loves to keep poking the bear with the Gentleman.

Nott and Jester have another chaotically hilarious encounter on the road. Some old, traumatized friends of the Nein, the Reformed Bandits, are once again interrogated to the brink of mental breakdown. It seems the Nein have had a rather strong impact on the former bandits, who have done their best to make an honest living since their last encounter. I always love the shenanigans that Jester and Nott manage to find themselves in and this is another keeper.

Caduceus is still hopeful to visit his home and get some more answers, though the Nein keep getting sidetracked along the way. Hopefully they have enough time between hunting down the witch of the mountain, Travellercon, and stopping a war between the Dynasty and the Empire to help Caduceus save his ancestral home.

Next episode promises to be a more intense one after these two rather emotional sessions. We are due for a monster battle! We'll see what happens next time on Critical Role!

Art By: @Omegasama_art

Don't Miss It!

C2E2 meet and greet tickets are on sale now! Get your photo with the cast at the con this February 29th.

Critical Role will also be doing a live show in Chicago on Thursday the 27th at 6pm pacific, one hour earlier than normal. If you are interested in attending, VIP tickets will be available on February 5th with all other tickets available February 6th.

A behind the scenes book about Critical Role has also been announced on The World of Critical Role is already available for pre-order here!(along with a chance to get your name printed in the book).

Don't miss the much anticipated return of All Work No Play Tuesday February 4th at 4pm!


Order Up!: Adventures in Free Steam Horror


Critical Role and Penguin Random House announce September 2020 publication of The World of Critical Role