Critical Role Review: C2 Episode 106
By: I.Am.No.Man
Episode 106: A Fog Lifted
The Nein lick their wounds and pick through Vokodo's horde to recoup their lost treasures. Despite the lingering, boiling heat the group are able to find almost all of their offerings and then a massive sum of nearly 40,000 in gold and jewels.
Caleb, with his keen mind, leads his friends back through the labyrinth of tunnels in search of escape. One accidental turn into a Fire plane sea serpent's lair, and quick bitey fight later the Nein find the exit and emerge into the cavern of ships. Vilya and the Nein agree that it would be best to return to the village and help the people of Vo to cope with their newly returned memories.
Carefully making their way out from behind the waterfall, everyone but Beau begin to make their way to shore. Beau, who took the adrenaline fueled waterfall rocket up the cliff side decides to take the 130 foot leap down to her friends below. Yelling for Yasha to catch her, she begins to plummet very quickly back down the cliff. Yasha, fresh off her Storm Lord vision, bamfs out her wings and is delighted to see beautiful, white feathers. She take a few strong beats and lifts off the ground, swooping Beau safely into her arms. Still high on the moment, she soars high above the ground taking Beau with her for a more... private moment.
Unfortunately, the flight is short lived and the pair come crash landing back at the top of the waterfall where Beau leapt from. A few awkward, sensually tense moments later, and the girls safely return to their companions.
Vilya uses her tree door to bring the Nein back to Vo and they begin to assess the damage Vokodo has left behind. The village is in chaos as many of the villagers have begun to bicker among themselves. Thankfully, because they seems to have lost most of their worldly wealth and possessions, the more sinister members of Vo have not staged any armed robberies or steal and skedaddles. It seems like the vast majority of the villagers are beginning to splinter back into their original arrival parties to figure out what to do next.
Just when the Nein think it can't get any worse, they notice two lonely figures approaching them from the beach shores. It seems the traveler's followers have begun to arrive on Rumblecusp for the promised Traveler Con. Jester quickly dons her cult persona and greets the newcomers, convincing them to find a place to bunk down for the night and reconvene again very soon.
Fjord clues Orly and the crew of the Ball Eater in on where to find their new ship hidden behind the waterfall. Orly and crew quickly set off, warned of the dangers they may face on their trek. After seeing their crew off the group sequester themselves into a vacant tree house to go through their new treasures. Beau ends up with her soaked bag of Suude and Veth's endless flask, and a new sexy bowstaff. Veth gets some fancy magic crossbow bolts, maybe some nifty boots. Yasha is eyeing a fancy nobleman's coat that could help her with all this mind controlling that's been happening.
The Nein continue to work around the village to see where they may be able to help. Fjord talks with Terra/ now Kotho. He realizes that the is a very powerful and dangerous bounty hunter from the Menagerie Coast that disappeared years ago. She wants nothing else to do with this island and wants his help to secure a ship to escape. He agrees. The whole exchange is a bit shifty and he's left with a bad taste in his mouth.
Vilya holds a town meeting to help discuss what to do next. Some villagers want to stay, others are ready leave right away. She will do her best to help those who want to stay get established again and those who want to leave by tree-dooring them to far off places. The villagers are tense but agree this is the best option for all. THey settle in for one last family dinner by firelight and say goodbye to their community.
The Nein think it would be a fantastic idea to turn the island into a resort/vacation hub with many wild attractions. Maybe they can convince some of the villagers this is a definitely doable, profitable idea. The Nein talk among themselves about gods, tricksters, families lost, and families gained Everyone settles in for the night, dreaming of what new adventures may come tomorrow.

Now that the threat of Vokodo is dealt with, the island seems a lot less menacing and a lot more like a nice place for a beach vacation episode. Although, as Mercer reminded us in the second half of this episode, Traveler Con 3000 is juuuust around the corner! Now that the Traveler can't offload the majority of his unwanted followers onto a memory gobbling crustacean, what's coming next?
Plot wise, this episode is a bit lacking, but we did just come off of a major monster battle so that can be forgiven. I know it's always nice to have more humorous, lowkey episode after staring death in the face.
Probably the most talked about and certainly the most fan art generating moment of the episode was Yasha's maiden flight with her new wings. The gorgeous, overtly romantic leaping flight to save Beau from crashing to earth was absolute fangirl cannon fodder. I think everyone on Twitter, chat, and the cast were yelling "Just kiss already" at our two favorite lesbians.
All the Villagers in Vo seemed to be having quite a 'hangover' kind of night. Having years and in some cases decades worth of memories dumped back into your brain would absolutely wreck any semblance of peace in this village. It's a very Star Trek "we done messed up the natives" plot line and I'm here for it. There are no right answers in this campaign. I'm sure there are some tasty Easter eggs or Lore drops lurking in the mysterious lost boys of Vo, but we may have to wait an episode or two to find them. Or the Nein will just let all these people have their fair pick of remaining ships and just sail away into the sunset with their treasures undiscovered
Next episode will be quite the ramp up to Traveler Con. We'll see how the already stressed villagers manage tens....maybe dozens of new arrivals invading their space for this bizarre congregation. My guess... things will get heated, and not because of the giant looming possibly(probably) dead volcano on the horizon. Thursday is coming!

Don't Miss It!
Critical Role will be on hiatus next week (August 20th)! Tune in to episode 107 of Campaign 2 Thursday, August 27th.
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