WonderCon 2018 Spotlight/Exclusive: An Interview With Batman Ninja Talent

By: MithrandielOne of the most exciting opportunities that I had over the weekend was an invitation to the Batman Ninja roundtable interviews following its world premiere on Saturday, 3/24. After the release of its trailer sparked a viral wave of interest in this unique and engrossing world of Batman set in Feudal Japan, Batman Ninja has generated a lot of hype leading up to this point. While I was unable to make it to the premiere itself, I got the chance to discuss the movie with the leading talent on the film, along with other journalists and professionals. Take a listen to our roundtable session below! (Timestamp breakdown and a few questions that were particularly hard to hear have been noted below)Timestamps/Breakdown of talent interviewed:Start - 7:34: Adam Croasdell, voice of Nightwing and Alfred7:34 - 15:14: Yuri Lowenthal, voice of Robin & Red Hood15:15 - 22:08: Eric Garcia and Leo Chu, English Screenwriters

Question at 18:04 - "How does it feel to see your writing come to life on the screen? What was that process like?"

22:09 - 30:51: Roger Craig Smith (Voice of Batman) and Fred Tatasciore (Voice of Gorilla Grodd & Deathstroke)

Question at 27:22 - (For Fred) "What elements did you play around with when coming up with the voice and delivery for Gorilla Grodd?"

30:52 - 38:14: Tony Hale (Voice of Joker)38:15 - 49:34: Tom Kenny (Voice of The Penguin) and Eric Bauza (Voice of Two-Face)49:35 - 55:28: Junpei Mizusaki (Director), Kazuki Nakashima (Original Screenwriter) and Takashi Okazaki (Character Designer)[arve url="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/422781750&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true" /]Many thanks to WonderCon for coordinating this awesome event, and to all of the talented folks who helped bring Batman Ninja to life!


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