The Geekly Grind

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Willy’s Wonderland - The Game [Review]

Willy’s Wonderland is a beat 'em up inspired by the Nicolas Cage movie of the same name. Willy’s Wonderland feels very sluggish, and the game feels like an excuse to cash in on the name of the film for a quick buck. The budget gameplay, animations, and even sound effects feel like an uninspiring asset flipped and thrown together. All the enemies in the game have nothing to do with the movie, and boss enemies are also regular enemies in the game, just in different colors. The most frustrating enemy is a drone. You have to attack the drone controller while it runs around the screen, the entire time you are chasing them, you are getting shot at. There's nothing to pick up in this game, no secrets, no weapons, and you can't even pick up enemies. The characters you used don't even look remotely close to the two main characters from the movie. Everything just feels like a clunky, slow, glitchy mess. Unfortunately, in Willy's Wonderland, the video game sucks all the charm and fun out of an otherwise enjoyable movie. This game is just awful.