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"A Farewell in a Fluffy Of Petals" Tokyo Mew Mew New Episode 07

Did you miss me? No? Well, I'm back anyway. Changing up the format a little too, so it's not so stiff. Let's get this series wrapped up.

So. Episode 07. After the excitement of episode 06, episode 07 is fairly low-key. Mostly it's just hijinks and very little plot motion.

Things of note from this episode. One, Kish is fired. To be more precise, he's on stand-by now cause he sucks at murdering and taking over the world. Instead, we get two new aliens, Pie and Tart. I have no idea what Tart is like, Pie seems to be the monotone type who is all data, hard facts, and NO personality. Really though, who needs personality when there's a world to take over.

Later in the episode, it's revealed that the aliens grand plan is to invade the world, and take it over via pollution. It seems to me that we're doing great on our own with that, but what do I know.

The focus of this episode is Ichigo and Aoyama's relationship, especially in juxtaposition with her secret as a Mew Mew. It's an interesting angle, and they legitmately do some cool stuff with it at the end of the episode. That said, Aoyama is super nice, but such a safe boring love interest. I could draw a face on a loaf of white bread and it'd have more personality. But given the pool of men in this show, he's probably the best choice. Just be poly lesbians ya'll.

As mentioned above, the most interesting part of the show is Ichigo fighting the wasps Tart sics on her. Ichigo grapples with the choice to transform while Aoyama's defends her from the wasps. The crux of the issue is Ichigo's identity as a Mew Mew will be revealed if she transforms in front of him. Ultimately she makes what she believes is the sacrifice of their relationship to protect him from harm. And then proceeds to kick a wasp like a soccer ball. It's badass.

She defeats the wasp easily. Turns out they are decoy fight for Pie to collect data and engineer the ultimate Mew Mew killing machine. So stay tuned ya'll.

On the plus side for Ichigo! Aoyama apparently can't figure out that 1+1=2 and therefore despite her transformation, doesn't realize that Ichigo is a Mew Mew. Therefore, they don't have to break up. On the other hand, perhaps how dense he is might be a red flag? Just saying.

Also she makes him this really cute cat good luck charm for his upcoming tournament. I'm impressed, she can make something like this, waitress, save the world, and go to school. I think I've underestimated our main character.

Janette out!