Thunder Plays: Streets of Rogue
By: ThunderheavyarmGotta do this quick guy, the law is on my tail in this week's game review. As you may have guessed from the title, Streets of Rogue is a new rogue-like game, which means if you're unlucky permanent death awaits you. I'm so excited about this game that I had to literally rip myself away from my last playthrough so that I could get this out. But without further ado, let's talk about this new game by Matt Dabrowski.So let's talk about the elephant in the room, it's an indie title. For some of you, you're already onboard with this game and have scrolled down to the bottom to see where you can get it. Well, jokes on you, it's up here and you can get it on Steam. For others, you just groaned, because you know that most indie titles are more about gameplay than graphics. I won't lie, there are 8-bit graphics and it's almost impossible to tell some character models from others. But that's not important to rogue-likes. The game is only in the early alpha stages and is being developed by one single person, but it's already got a strong foundation. While most games of this style focus completely on luck over skill, I dare say that this game has found a sweet marriage of the two. True, getting a lucky item drop can immediately turn a bad game into a good one as quickly as thinking that goon with a shotgun just ran out of bullets. But the fact that you are capable of dodging the shots meant to kill you opens up the game to force you to rely more on your skills than just dumb luck.
The bad news is that while I'm excited, there isn't much to Streets of Rogue. Mostly because I'm still figuring things out and dealing with the fact I can't marry my skill and luck together. I do wish there was more meat, but credit to the developer there is plenty of bone and structure to build on top of. Which, in my opinion, is the absolute key to any successful game. But don't just take my word for it, go and give this game a try. For those of you who read my entire review, you know where you can find it. And if you've skipped everything to see where I normally write where to pick it up here, jokes on you, I buried it somewhere else!
Until next week gamers, long live the resistance![yasr_multiset setid=12]