The Geekly Grind

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The Geekly Grind Presents - The Best of 2022 [Comic Books]

By: Mithrandiel

We’ve already shared our thoughts on the best video games of the past year, but with all the comic books we’ve been reading this year it only makes sense that we would do our best to sift through the pile and pick out our favorites from 2022!

We’ll be picking our top 3 limited series (had to finish this year, but did not have to start in the same year) as well as top 3 single issues for the year - let’s take a look!

Limited Series

3 - A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance [Rick Remender]

It’s tough to capture a new audience - from TV shows to video games, creators know that they don’t have very long to entice a new fan. A comic series may have an interesting first issue, but there have been few that delivered the sheer suspense and tension that A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance offered in its opening act. Since that fateful issue, I have been wholly on board with Remender’s tale of an otherwise regular guy who takes on the persona of an assassin.

Remender took us on a brutal journey over the course of 11 issues, with a finale that ended things just about as well as you could hope for with a story centered around assassins.

With terrific action sequences, great characters, great narrative pacing and a satisfying conclusion, A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance was one of our favorite comics in 2022.

2 - Avengers/X-Men/Eternals: Judgment Day [Kieron Gillen et al.]

Writing a single ongoing series is challenging enough, wrangling an event? That’s a whole different ballgame.

Eternals have a core directive - correcting excess deviation. Typically, this means doing battle with deviants. However, after it’s discovered that the X-men have achieved immortality in the form of resurrection, the new Prime Eternal, Druig, determines that the X-Men have deviated excessively. This begins a conflict between the Eternals and X-Men, with Avengers playing referee. Making matters worse, when the Celestial that the Avengers have been using as a hideout becomes sentient, it determines that mankind is due for, well, judgment. The event chronicles both the Eternals/X-Men conflict, as well as the individual judgments that the celestial makes to some of the most notable heroes (and villains) in the Marvel universe.

Not only did Judgment Day deliver a compelling core narrative, some of the tie-ins were the best I’ve seen from a comic event in years.

With Gillen demonstrating impressive narrative control, and skilled writers like Ewing and Aaron in the wings, Judgment Day lived up to the hype of a summertime comic event, and was one of our favorites from 2022.

1 - Do A Powerbomb! [Daniel Warren Johnson]

After enjoying the Beta Ray Bill limited series, Argent Star, I was hungry for more content from Daniel Warren Johnson. That’s when one of my closest friends recommended I check out Murder Falcon. I was transfixed, and the series has rocketed to the top 5 of my all-time-favorites list when it comes to comics, and is a frequent recommendation I make to family and friends.

So, when I heard that DWJ was starting a new series that honed in on his love of professional wrestling, I knew I had to check it out.

Do A Powerbomb! tells the story of Lona Steelrose, a young woman in the wrestling industry trying to live up to the legacy of her mother - Yua Steelrose; the former champion tragically dying during a match. When an otherworldly figure approaches with an offer to resurrect her mother in exchange for winning his wrestling tournament, Lona haltingly recruits the infamous CobraSun to join her in doubles - the very same wrestler that accidentally killed her mother years prior. The story follows their hard-fought battles against wrestlers from various times and places in an effort to bring Lona’s mother back.

DWJ has made a name for himself due to his skillful combination of frenetic action in his art style and emotional affect in his narrative. He’s one of the few creators that can have you marveling and breathless in an action sequence, and 3 pages later tearing at your heart-strings. This series is no exception, and makes insightful commentary on the nature of fate and destiny while delivering heart-pounding action issue after issue.

For this reason, Do A Powerbomb! was our top series of the year.

Single Issues

3 - X-Men Red #7

Nestled into the amazing tie-ins for the recent Judgment Day event was an issue of X-Men Red that carried tremendous significance for the world of X-Men.

After a brutal battle with Uranos, Great-Uncle of Thanos and one of the most powerful Eternals in existence, Magneto was mortally wounded. As he lay dying in Storm’s arms, he made a compelling argument as to why the X-Men’s de-factor leader, Charles Xavier, could ultimately be their biggest threat.

Magneto explains that his primary goal has always been to make a space for Mutants to live peacefully, whether the world accepted them or not, while Charles has worked to show mankind that mutants deserve to be included. How much would he be willing to sacrifice to show the world that mutants deserved respect?

Storm took on this burden as one of the most complicated characters in comic books died in her arms. Now, as with any comic character death, especially one of such magnitude as Magneto, I’m taking it with a very large grain of salt. With that being said, the impact of this loss and Magneto’s parting speech made this issue one of my favorites of the year.

2 - Human Target #5

Tom King has brought us gems like Superman: Up in the Sky, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow and Rorschach, among many others - and his current work on Human Target continues to deliver the high quality writing that has helped to set him apart as one of the best working in the industry today.

The premise of this issue is around a simple request: Could you pass the salt?

And yet, within the space of a few seconds, one of the most interesting comic issues of the year unfolded.

On the tail of a mysterious assassin that attempted to kill Lex Luthor, Christopher Chance, AKA the human target, has begun to piece together elements of what led to the poisoning. This investigation leads him to a dinner with none other than J’onn J’onnz, the Martian Manhunter.

In an impressive example of effective exposition, King delves into some important history in all of the core characters. We learn quite a bit about Chance’s background, J’onns involvement in the plot, and all of the mind-games play out in the time it takes Chance to pass the salt.

The series as a whole has been a real treat, but this issue in particular stood out due to its unique storytelling angle. With amazing art from Smallwood enhancing the already strong writing from King, The Human Target #5 was our 2nd favorite issue of the year.

1 - Batman: One Bad Day - The Riddler

Tom King has been a busy guy this year: his great work on Supergirl and Human Target aside, he penned our favorite one-shot issue of the year with The Riddler’s installment of the One Bad Day series.

For those unfamiliar, One Bad Day offers a glimpse into a number of the most notable members of Batman’s rogues gallery - Two-Face. Penguin. Mr. Freeze. Riddler.

A powerful opening salvo, this issue offers a haunting look into what happens when The Riddler gets serious.

After killing an innocent man for seemingly no reason, Batman seeks to understand what The Riddler’s motivation was. Driven to the end of his wits, Batman is effectively cornered by The Riddler, who uses his vast intelligence and political savvy to put Batman, and the city’s underworld, in a terrifying chokehold.

King’s work in this issue is superb, as he brings a new level of respect and fear for the villain that many of us may still equate with a smiling Jim Carrey in a bright green suit. King’s Riddler is definitely not smiling, and the interrogation scene with Gordon brings some gut-churning revelations.

Overall, I was utterly captivated by this issue from cover to cover. With splendid art, fantastic writing, and an effective re-imagining of such a notable comic book villain, One Bad Day: The Riddler is our favorite comic of 2022!

We’d love to hear from you all as well! What were some great comics you read this year? Feel free to comment below or join us on our Discord!