The 100 Season 5 Episodes 2 & 3 (Review)
By: Unbroken_FlameWith the arrival of episode 2 of this season of the 100, we get to see what happened inside the vault during the 6 year time skip! We start with utter chaos as the different grounder tribes fight amongst each other and with Skaikru. This conflict becomes much worst as Abby and Marcus discover that the polis tower has collapsed over the entrance and preventing them from leaving the bunker. This brinks of the issue of how they will survive, considering their food supply will barely get them to even 5 years with the current population. This prompts several members of Skaikru to revolt and lock themselves inside the cafeteria/ food storage area, condemning their fellow survivors to death. This prompts Octavia, with the help of Jaha; to break into the cafeteria to end this conflict. For this to be successful however, Octavia must take a leadership role over those in the bunker. After a bloody fight, Octavia is successful and the conflict is ended. Temporarily.
With the threat of starvation in the future lingering, and the population unable to escape the bunker. Octavia makes a decision as the new leader of "one-kru". She enacts a new set of rules, very similar to those on the ark. Crimes are punished by death, however Octavia adds her own twist to these rules. Those who disobey rules, are thrown into a gladiator style battle, where the winner is permitted to live. We end off episode 2 with Marcus being thrown into the ring to fight, before it cuts to black.Octavia's character development in this episode was surprising in the way it progressed. Throughout the episode she is very opposed to any bloodshed or violence. It's not until a few members of Skaikru try to take the food for themselves, that she begins her transition to a more strong willed leader. When she speaks with Jaha just before his passing, seems to be Octavia's moment of realization that it's not possible to save everything. Finally getting to see what caused this change in her character, makes it hard to hate her when the circumstances were so dire.
In episode 3 we return to Clarke's friends in space. They leave the ring of the Ark, to board this mystery vessel. Upon arriving they discover the ship is empty- or so they thought. It turns out there are nearly 300 prisoners aboard the ship, in cryo-sleep. They are able to gather that the individuals on the ground, intend to take over eden before awakening their fellow prisoners. They come up with a plan to bargain with them, but this plan unfortunately requires Raven to stay aboard the ship. Bellamy and the others leave believing Raven will follow in an escape pod, along with Murphy who chose to stay. It's then revealed that there is no escape pod. Meaning Murphy are Raven are now stranded in space once again.
Meanwhile on the ground with Clarke, she's been captured by this new enemy. She is able to help Madi escape, but soon has to bargain with her captors to not kill the young girl. They temporarily believe Clarke, but soon she is portrayed to be a liar as her friends land on the ground and encounter a few soldiers. They are ordered to kill them, but Madi steps in and rescues them. Bellamy is led to the village and makes contact with their leader in order to bargain. This is where we're left off, and I'm nervous to see what happens between the soldiers and Bellamy.
This episode confirms that this new enemy is from nearly 100 years ago, and are unaware that the end of the world has happened twice while they were away. The dynamic between these new characters is very interesting. The woman who appears to be in charge seems to struggle with keeping these violent offenders in line. She seems to have much more common sense than the others, and I foresee this becoming an issue later on. Perhaps she may even lose control of these individuals.I look forward to next week, and getting to see how Bellamy handles the situation as well as Clarke's reunion with her friends. In the mean time you can catch up on episodes of The 100 at www.cwtv.comNew episodes of The 100 every Tuesday 9/8c on The CWCheck out more reviews like this here!