That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime - Episode 2 (Review)
By: Mithrandiel
While the title "Meet the Goblins" had me experiencing brief flashbacks to the grisly Goblin Slayer debut, That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime continues to impress with fantastic animation and a growing and interesting world as it continues to make a name for itself among the Fall lineup.
Spoilers Ahead!
Following their introduction and pact of friendship, the salaryman-turned-slime Satoru and the Storm Dragon Veldora brainstorm methods of freeing him from the magical prison he's found himself in. Initially, Satoru tries to use Predator to absorb the prison, with no luck. Instead, he decides to devour the entire prison, including Veldora, so that he can reside in his stomach while collecting essential data on the magical seal from the inside. Once Satoru can analyze from both outside and inside, theoretically he should be able to remove it.

Before being consumed by Satoru's Predator technique, Veldora suggests granting names to one another as a means of establishing a familial bond of sorts. Satoru obliges his request, playing off of his title as the Storm Dragon and suggesting "Tempest" as his name. Veldora Tempest.
The dragon is delighted, and grants Satoru a new name: Rimuru. Rimuru Tempest.

Names exchanged, and deals struck, Rimuru absorbs the trapped dragon and begins making his way through the cave. It takes a number of weeks for him to finally make it to the exit, and in the meantime he battles a number of fearsome monsters - absorbing their skills in addition to tons of magicule ore and materials.

Meanwhile, the disappearance of Veldora has many in the broader kingdoms concerned. With Veldora's presence gone, monsters have become restless and more aggressive. A minister of the kingdom of Blumund brings in a guild leader by the name of Fuze to request an investigation. While the guild leader isn't terribly concerned, he agrees to do it as a favor to the minister.
The investigating party nearly discovers Rimuru as he makes his way out of the cave. Luckily, he's able to hide and escape the cave without encountering them, but only after noticing that one of them has a useful skill that allows them to be rendered nearly invisible.
Wandering through the forest, Rimuru soon comes across a group of goblins that can sense his immense aura of power. They plead with him to assist against a small army of direwolves that have decimated their village. After some reluctance, Rimuru agrees, and essentially becomes their guardian.

Another week of hijinks and hilarity as Satoru (or should I say, Rimuru) learns more about the fantastical powers he's attained transitioning into this fantasy world.
Everything about this show is just plain fun. Rimuru's constant growth and acquisition of new skills is delightful - from experimenting with new poison breath and watching with disgust as the enemy monster literally melts away, to swinging gleefully from the cavern ceiling with Spider-Man like webs...we also get to see him employ the signature technique from the opening: the water blade!

Veldora and Rimuru's relationship continues to be an amusing one, with the unlikely tsundere-dragon taking a liking to the reincarnated slime and arming him with crucial knowledge as he sets out into the world.
The introduction of the various kingdoms, as well as the power vacuum that Rimuru creates when he absorbs Veldora's prison, definitely begins to open some doors from a narrative standpoint. I was a little disappointed that we don't really get to see much of the cities or towns yet, just some sweeping forest/landscape shots.
What That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime does exceedingly well so far is really capture the feel of a fantasy RPG. Rimuru's journeys through the cave over the course of ~3 weeks mirror the concept of spending way too much time in a dungeon in order to get the necessary experience and come out on the other side properly leveled to wreak havoc on your enemies. Rimuru's overpowered Extra Skill, Predator, helps him to pile on the characteristics and skills to make him a force to be reckoned with. So much so that he doesn't even realize the immense aura he's emitting. This playful energy keeps the show light - but still thoroughly engaging as you wonder what skills Rimuru will get to add to his repertoire next.
In the end, I'm just really happy this show exists. Seriously, there was a lot of hype for this show before the Fall season started, but with Goblin Slayer bringing such a stark fantasy contrast to the lineup, it allows That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime to shine even brighter.
You can catch That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime on Crunchyroll, Mondays at 8:30 AM PDT!