PULL! Mithrandiel's Comic Reads: Week of 11/24
Mithrandiel's comic reads of 11/24 include a visually stunning addition to Radiant Black, a jumpstart to the Thor storyline and more!
PULL! Mithrandiel's Comic Reads - Week of 8/25
Mithrandiel has ravenously devoured his pulls from this week and just has to share with all of you! Take a look at his reviews for 8/25!
Donny Cates’ Thor - Issues 1-4 [Review]
Mithrandiel has a soft spot for both Donny Cates writing and the Lord of Thunder...so this should go very well! We take a look at Thor, issues 1-4!
SC2: Reviving Old Units As New Units Get Nerfed
In this week's Starcraft 2 news update, Punknight discusses the changes made to units in the 3/8 and 3/11 updates, and how it will impact future play.