Avengers: Infinity War (Spoiler Review)
RogueSymbiote returns from his second viewing of Infinity War and shares his thoughts on the epic superhero film!
Marvel Cinematic Universe Ranked
Avengers: Infinity War is almost here so it's time to rank every film in the MCU! RogueSymbiote puts together a worst to best composite list of the MCU!
Spider-Man: Homecoming (Movie Review)
Spider-Man: Homecoming swings into theaters and not only lives up to the hype, but surpasses it. RogueSymbiote reviews Spider-Man: Homecoming
Mithical Movie Review: Captain America - Civil War (SPOILER FREE)
If Batman vs Superman was a case study in how NOT to make a superhero film, Captain America - Civil War is its counterpart. Check out Mith's review! Don't worry - NO SPOILERS!
Silicon Valley Comic Con Spotlight: Owen Gildersleeve
ZeloOmega wraps up his SVCC spotlight series with Owen Gildersleeve - the creative mind behind the paper mache Iron Man. Check it out!
Opinion - Captain America: Civil War is just what the Marvel Universe needs
Mith dives a bit deeper into the latest Captain America: Civil War trailer and explains why the timing of this film couldn't be better.