The Plucky Squire [Review]
Enchanting adventure with gorgeous visuals The Plucky Squire doesn’t reach its full potential.
Dungeons of Hinterberg [Review]
Dungeons of Hinterberg creates a lighthearted mix of Persona and Zelda that is a joy to play.
The Might of Mobility: Why the Nintendo Switch Is the Future of Console Gaming
Mithrandiel shares his thoughts on his latest console acquisition, and how the mobility of the Nintendo Switch helps him envision a brave new world...
The Nintendo Switch: Will it Revive Couch Co-Op?
Mithrandiel recaps the major announcements from Nintendo's press conference surrounding their latest console: the Switch!
Opinion - Zelda: Breath of the Wild is beautiful, but can't save Nintendo on its own
Mithrandiel is excited for the latest Zelda, but argues that Nintendo will need to step up its game in a big way to continue competing in the industry.