![Abigail [Review]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6371c1aaf44e9e0252208a01/1883ab84-318b-40aa-9190-a69f1bd9a2ff/abigail_4.jpg)
Abigail [Review]
Abigail makes a hilarious and gory horror concoction out of heist, crime, haunted house, and vampire film tropes.
![Lisa Frankenstein [Review]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6371c1aaf44e9e0252208a01/08ed1420-912b-4baa-b20c-7bf5f32f2e32/lisa-frankenstein-4208_D001_00030_R_rgb.jpg)
Lisa Frankenstein [Review]
Sam reviews Zelda Williams’ and Diablo Cody’s new 80's teen comedy gothic romance with ax murder movie.

Coming Soon in January and February 2024
Sam highlights some movie releases to keep an eye on for the first two months of 2024!