Diablo 4 - First Impressions
Jeffery shares his thoughts on Diablo IV after spending a couple monster-filled weekends exploring the Beta!
Battle for Azeroth kicks off the next chapter of World of Warcraft, and it's done so with a bang! Check out Blizzard's press release on early sales!
Overwatch Summer Games 2018 is Now Live!
It’s time to beat the summer heat with some Overwatch action! The Summer Games features new skins, a new Lúcioball map, and more. Read on for details!
World of Warcraft® Game Director Ion Hazzikostas to Deliver PAX West 2018 Keynote
World of Warcraft's own "Watcher", Ion Hazzikostas, will be delivering the opening keynote at PAX West in a few weeks. Read on for more info!
Sylvanas Cinematic Sparks Controversy Over Morals in Warcraft
The newest World of Warcraft animation in anticipation of the new Battle for Azeroth expansion depicts the Banshee Queen's origin and a steep fall to darkness. Blizzard has traditionally pushed back against black-and-white morality when writing both the Horde and the Alliance, but the new short has ignited a dramatic reaction from fans.
Black Ops 4 Announcement
Black Ops 4 has been officially announced! Eager for more info? Read on!