Star Wars - The Force Awakens Theories and Discussions **SPOILERS*

By: ALuckyBumWhat’s up everybody?So first and foremost, this is an article discussing Star War Ep. 7: The Force Awakens spoilers. If you haven’t seen the movie, I suggest you leave this article and go watch it right now.  




  Let’s talk about the movie real quick and do a mini spoiler review. Then I will get into some predictions and theories surrounding this new unknown space opera.Mini Spoiler Review:Han was killed by his own son. There it is, plain and simple. It’s what Luke was never able to do; for the better. Kylo Ren had a battle raging in his heart and did what he was afraid he could not. The real question is whether or not that act has permanently cemented himself into the Dark Side for the rest of the trilogy. For many people Han Solo is one of if not THE most loved character in entertainment. Kylo Ren killing him would be a good way for everyone to hate him more than a turn to the Light Side could ever forgive.So as it turns out Finn is not force sensitive at all. (most likely) It’s Rey that is the real protagonist for this trilogy. Her Force power reveal was well done for the most part. A lot of people are pointing out that Rey was a little too good with the force too quickly. A fair point with the knowledge we know now. However, I don’t think we should hold this against the writers just yet. There might be an explanation. If anything I felt that Kylo Ren was a little too weak. I’m find myself trying to justify his loss to Rey in the forest, but it sounds a little flimsy. Maybe he was hurt more then we could tell from the revenge blaster bolt from chewbacca, maybe he was a lot more emotional distracted from having just killed his father then he let on, maybe he wasn’t as trained as he could or should have been. Snoke clearly thought he needed more training, even though he probably didn’t know he lost to Rey moments before.Luke is alive and well. From interviews it’s been revealed that in early versions of the script Luke was a major part in the movie, but they felt like he would upstage Rey once he showed up. They wanted to establish her as the protagonist and then have Luke show up later to pick up where Han left off in the second movie. It was still nice to see Luke. However, it was a major cliff hanger. It worked, I can’t wait to see the next one. But that doesn’t mean we can’t speculate.

Theories and Predictions:


Who are Rey’s parents? 


Theory #1: Luke is Rey’s father.

Likelihood it happens 25%I think this is the most obvious guess. As far as evidence, I would say the strongest hint at this possibility is Maz’s comment about Luke’s lightsaber calling to her. It could imply that she is a descendant of the Skywalker family or that she is powerful with the force and a lightsaber is her kind of weapon. I hope she isn’t Luke’s daughter. I like to think that Luke didn’t take a wife or have children, but was dedicated to the teaching of the force. Maybe he having a wife is part of the reason Kylo Ren was pushed to the Dark Side. Maybe he saw it as a weakness just like the original Jedi.

Theory #2: Leia and Han are Rey’s parents.

Likelihood it happens 40%This is my personal favorite. I went a little deep on this one, but stay with me. I think that Rey is Kylo Ren’s sister. He is older then her and after he went to the Dark Side, Leia and Han decided to ship her to a remote planet to protect her from Kylo Ren. I think that Luke tried to wiped her memory of her parents. They wanted to wait until she grew up and then Luke could finish her training when she was old enough to take on Kylo Ren and Snoke. I think Luke has been guiding her from afar. When Kylo Ren is searching her mind for the map, he talks about seeing a blue ocean and an island. She had never been on such a planet, but at the end of the movie we see that it’s the description of Luke’s hideout to a T. If Luke was tapping into her mind from that location it makes sense that some of it seeps through into her mind. It would also explain why she was so strong in the force and it’s ticks of the trade. Luke was planting ideas and knowledge into her to help her first fight vs Kylo Ren. We find out that Kylo Ren’s real name is Ben, a nod to Obi-wan (Ben, as Han knew him) and it’s kind of symmetry with Rey’s name.Han tried to offer her a job on the Falcon. I think it was an innocent way for him to get to know his daughter without telling her who she really was. He gives her a guilty look when she talks about seeing all the green on Maz’s planet, like it was his fault she didn’t get to grow up on a nice planet. Leia and Rey hug each other like besties after Han’s death, but without ever meeting. Rey could deduce who Leia was, but why would Leia feel that comfortable hugging a stranger over Chewbacca who literally walked right next to her with no hug or look. If it was her long lost daughter she would go for it. Still they planned to not tell her to protect her.

Theory #3: Rey is a nobody / has random parents we don’t know.

Likelihood it happens 35%If it isn’t theory #2 I hope it’s this one. She was just born randomly with the force and will show us that lineage means nothing. It’s all about who you are as a person that defines you, not who your parents were. Maybe Luke is helping her, but only because he sensed her on Jakku and wanted to help her from far away. Snoke mentions to Kylo Ren that he feels an awakening of the force. It could be that Rey is just that powerful that all the force big wigs could feel it. Obviously there is a second bonus prediction hidden in theory #3, and that is that Luke will tell her she is a random only to help her face Kylo Ren, when really he lied to her like Obi-wan did to Luke, and she really is his sister.

Who is Supreme Leader Snoke?

 My theory is this: Snoke is Darth Plagueis the Wise.Likelihood to be correct 80%To explain this theory I might need to educate some of you. I’m only pulling from past movies on this one, so you don’t need to pull out your extended universe (now non-canon) tin hats. Watch this:, so the theory here is that Plagueis the Wise didn’t actually die when Palpatine attacked him in his sleep. Either he died, but his sith ghost was able to resurrect his own body, or he was able to trick Palpatine into thinking he died, but didn’t. Plagueis is suppose to be so good at illusions even Palpatine can’t tell the difference. Either way, I think he is still alive and has been in the shadows for a long time. The only clue I have from the movie that this is correct is a possible subtle hint. Here is the dialogue between Han and Kylo Ren right before Ren kills Han.

Han Solo: Ben!
Kylo Ren: Han Solo. I've been waiting for this day for a long time.
Han Solo: Take off that mask. You don't need it.
Kylo Ren: What do you think you'll see if I do?
Han Solo: The face of my son.
Kylo Ren: Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish like his father, so I destroyed him.
Han Solo: That's what Snoke wants you to believe, but it's not true. My son is alive.
Kylo Ren: No. The Supreme Leader is wise.

The supreme leader is WISE huh? That seem like a weird reply. It’s not too out of the ordinary, but I think it is referring to the suffix of Darth Plagueis the WISE. That was his name. It seems like a cool subtle hint that you could point to later after the big reveal of who Snoke is.So what do you think? Disagree with some of my predictions? Let’s talk about it in the comments. What are your theories and predictions? 


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