Sparking the fire of Creativity with Glenn Given - project lead for Kickstarter project Hearts Blazing

By: Mithrandiel
On our Kickstart your Weekend piece this week, Archmage is spotlighting a unique game that revolves around your ability to tell a great story. I was intrigued at the concept, and reached out to Games by Playdate to request an interview. Glenn Given is one member of the triumvirate heading up Games by Playdate, and graciously accepted our interview request. See what he had to say about the project, and some challenges of managing a Kickstarter.
Mithrandiel: Tell us a little bit about your studio. How did it get started, and what's your motivation/goal when creating games?
Glenn Given:We are a three person team based around Southern New Hampshire. We began the company after the founders had individually organized a number of game days and a non-profit program for libraries and schools. We decided that we wanted to make our own games, and not have to answer creatively to anyone else. Motivationally we are looking to create games that bring more new players in. Our opinion is that the analog gaming industry does a very poor job of reaching outside of it's base for new — and especially, diverse — audiences. We aim to change that.M: You've had some successful Kickstarter projects before, including "Pack the Pack" and "Slash". What were some of your takeaways from these Kickstarter projects? What did you learn, and did you apply these lessons in preparing the Hearts Blazing kickstarter?
GG: Since 10% of SUCCESSFUL kickstarter projects never deliver (which is insane when you think about that?!?) we know that getting everything logistically organized and complete before fundraising is critical. For hearts Blazing we not only have a finished game but have lined up the factory, arranged the freight and priced and prepared all the shipping. The game is, but for some rulebook copyediting, complete. We think that having a completed project, having the manufacture, shipping and delivery already contracted is the type of reliability that will assuage backer fears.
M: You describe Hearts Blazing as a story-telling card game. What is the significance of this, and how does being a story-telling card game set it apart from other games?
GG: Other storytelling games have a tendency to leave you twisting in the wind. They give you structure and setup for good storytelling, but they fail to provide you with useable tools when you find yourself backed into a corner or put on the spot. Since we want MORE people playing storygames Hearts Blazing is designed to assist and support you not to overrule your creativity. Having a structure of character action suggestions and a deck of episodes help to keep the whole team forward facing and preserve momentum. When a player finds themselves drawing a creative blank, our tools are their to pinch hit for them.
M: Where did you get the inspiration for Hearts Blazing?
GG: Mechanically we drew inspiration from games like Prime Time Adventures, Fiasco and, especially, The Quiet Year. Thematically we wanted players to create things inline with our favorite sci-fi shows like Battlestar Galactica, and films like Blade runner or Mad Max. The reference point of pop-culture tropes is a great on ramp for new players.M: What is an element of designing/distributing a card/board game that people might not expect? Was there anything that really surprised you when you began making games full time?
GG: Physical shipping costs are super expensive. So much so that I took a part time job doing shipping so I could use the 40% employee discount to help. Other than that wrinkle of complexity actually the surprising stuff is positive. All of this can be accomplished by a very small team without using outside publishers or middlemen. Cutting them out will radically drive down your prices and, at least in our case, increase your satisfaction with what you are creating.M: What games do you and your team enjoy playing? When not testing/playing your own games, of course.
GG: Right now I am playing a lot of Netrunner and the iPad version of Pathfinder Adventures, also Codenames, and larps from the Golden Cobra awards. M: Will you be at any conventions coming up in the next few months?
GG: We are set to appear at a bunch of North Eastern conventions like Massive ComicCon, Granite State Comic Con, Granite Game Summit, PortCon Maine, Arisia, Dexcon, Metatopia and whatever else strikes our fancy. There is an outside chance that we will make an appearance at either GaymerX or Geek Girl Con. M: Any final comments?
GG: If you aren't having fun even when you lose a game than it's a badly designed game. But you have to do your part, win or lose, to make sure that everybody playing is having a good time. That's more important than any other rule.
You can find their Kickstarter project here. Finally, to see what the game looks like, check out the video below.
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Mithical Entertainment Interviews: Erica Lindbeck


Kickstart Your Weekend - Hearts Blazing