Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (Season 2) Episodes 1-2

By: Mithrandiel[yasr_multiset setid=11]One of my favorites from last year, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu has returned with a 2nd season! If you missed season 1, I definitely suggest you go back and watch it, as it documents the rise of the current Rakugo master Yakumo Yuurakutei alongside his best friend Sukeroku. Season 2 picks up with Yotaro, the former Yakuza who was inspired by the grumpy old Rakugo master, nearly 10 years after he has been taken on as an apprentice.Yotaro post time-jumpThe season opens just as you would expect it to, with Yotaro telling a rakugo story recapping the first season. After hearing his master's tragic story, Yotaro committed himself to Rakugo whole heartedly. His hard work pays off as he obtains the prestigious rank of Shin'uchi, establishing him as a proper performer in his own right. Yotaro continues to channel the spirit of the playful Sukeroku while also doing his best to honor his master's teachings, and by taking on Sukeroku's name, brings in a committed fanbase curious to see new life breathed into the art of Rakugo.A hybrid performer who is still growing, Yotaro is plagued by his past in the opening arc of season 2. His former ties to the Yakuza cast doubt on his authenticity as a performer, and Yotaro is worried that his association with the prestigious Yakumo house blemishes his masters reputation.Tangled into all this drama is Yotaro's relationship with Konatsu. Still grief-stricken over the death of her father all those years ago, Konatsu vows to ultimately kill Yakumo for his perceived involvement in her father's suicide along with his lover, Miyokichi. At the same time, she refuses to deprive her child the opportunity to hear Yakumo's rakugo.Yotaro and Konatsu have formed a close bond over the years, though her stand-offish behavior would never indicate it. Though Yotaro puts on a joking front, he cares deeply for Konatsu and does his best to make a proper family for her and her newborn child.Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu manages to recap a rich first season and transition into its next chapter with grace and skill. Much like performing a quality rakugo, the series runs a gamut of emotions in any given scene. Episode 2 has a particularly powerful scene when Yotaro bombs a performance not long after his promotion to shin'uchi. It's not a complete disaster initially, with the audience responding to the first few punchlines, but as the performance goes on and the audience grows quieter, the viewer realizes quickly that something is not quite right.The camera angles, focus on his facial expressions and uncomfortable body language are all subtle elements when taken separately, but are brought together brilliantly to capture Yotaro's unfortunate stumble as he contemplates his involvement with the Yakuza and worries about the kind of future he'll be able to provide for Konatsu.Returning to his master in disgrace, Yotaro is comforted by Yakumo as he tells him to embrace his past and not let it get in the way of his rakugo. Overall, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu continues a tradition of fantastic storytelling, crisp animation and mindful character development.You can watch new episodes every Friday at 12:45 PM (PST) on Crunchyroll!


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