SAO Alternative: Gun Gale Online – Episode 4 (Review)
By: v.o.lynnEpisode 4 of SAOA:GGO is all about teamwork, strategy, and plot twists. If you've gotten this far in the series, some of this isn't going to be a surprise to you, but...
Spoilers and character name drops for eps 1-4 below!
Picking up right where Episode 1 dropped off in-game, LLENN explodes from her hiding spot and catapults us back into the action of the Squad Jam. While onlookers watch her player reaction from a screen, there’s no doubt that her reputation is unscathed by her earlier performance.Regrouping after the incident, LLENN deduces that M must be for Map (seems legit), as his on and offline skill for geography is no joke.They find that they’re one of the last three teams, and move out. As it turns out, the massive pack on M’s back is no joke either: it’s a large, foldable battle shield, made out of metal from a spaceship hull. With M shooting accurately without hesitating for bullet lines, it pretty much cinches previous military experience.Shortly after, Pito all but confirms it in a flashback with LLENN. It leads to a conversation about handicaps and sight lines – while it might be nice to have, it gives the impression that it’s easy to make the sort of long, complicated shots that are a lot easier with a “high accuracy skill” in-game that’s only acquired in real life by practice.And then, there were two.
In-game, it’s an hour in, and M appears to have some special instructions. He pauses, waiting for the scan again – and... an ambush from the final team! M and LLENN escape with digital flesh wounds.Safely away from the final team, M reads the letter that had been interrupted earlier to himself. Moments later, it looks like the partnership is over. But then... cut to credits!After the credits roll, the stinger brings the conflict to something resembling a conclusion. Ultimately, one could theorize that the letter was from Pito to see if LLENN would take out M if she had to (and then take on the final team herself), or resign if she was faced with the mutiny of her team. Or for some other reason. It is Pito, after all.We do get a glimpse at the other team, and it’s an interesting mix of identities, but their teamwork stands out as on par with the military command group that they were up against in the first episode. Organized, cohesive, and pretty spot-on for strategy. Looking forward to the next clash!