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PSX 2017 Spotlight: Super Meat Boy Forever

By: MithrandielWhat do you do after releasing a wildly popular platformer? If you're Tommy Refenes, you try to recreate the wheel by taking it down to its spokes. After the release of Super Meat Boy in 2010, Mr. Refenes was able to utilize its huge success to take some time away from development to focus on other things (yes indie game devs, maybe one day you, too, will be able to see past your current project). Now, nearly 7 years after a determined meatball leapt, punched and ran its way through exceedingly dangerous levels, the action and frenzy returns with Super Meat Boy Forever, which is due to land sometime next year. Tommy was kind enough to talk with us a bit about the inspiration behind Super Meat Boy Forever, as well as the unique challenges of making an indie game in today's market. Take a listen![arve url="" /]