The Geekly Grind

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Second Trailer Impression

It's that time of year when Nintendo releases a trailer for the now yearly Pokemon games to get us all excited. At least for me, I'm a big-time Pokemon fan. While the Pokemon franchise has taken some very questionable directions in the past few years (looking at you Brillant Diamond and Shining Pearl), I'm still pretty excited for this one.

The first thing that stood out to me about the trailer was how good it looks! Now as we all know, the Switch is not a graphics powerhouse. My expectations were pretty low in this area. That said, Sword and Shield, with the exception of the wild areas, was kinda disappointing graphics-wise. Those games looked and felt like an upscaled 3DS game.

If the trailer is accurate, these will be more on par with what I'd expect a console Pokemon game to look like. While 3D Pokemon models always have a certain stiffness to them, the designs in this generation look a little more expressive, and the combat appears more dynamic.

Moving along, there were other things I noticed in the trailer.

I'm wondering if this is a hint that we'll get all three starters. I love all three, so this would be neat.

The technology is incredible guy is back, and finally, it really is incredible! You can play alongside others, which if implemented properly, will be lovely. Pokemon has always been a franchise that emphasizes playing with others. I'm glad it's come this far.

Now more importantly! The new Pokemon!

It's the Awoofy from Kirb- I mean, it's the new Pikachu clone!

Olive Boy Commits Tax Evasion!

This one has a name in the trailer! LeChonk! Hopefully, we won't face 30-50 feral ones.

And the box art legendaries! Normally I don't really care for these, but I really dig these designs. Especially the feathers on the Scarlet one.

So...what did the rest of you think? Did you like the trailer? Are you excited about the new games? Personally, since I'm a good Ohioan, I'll be getting Pokemon Scarlet.