Pokemon Go! Improvements Go!

By: ScarletteLaugh all you want but Im the kind of Pokemon Go! player that spends a good portion of her weekends walking around areas that are infested with Pokémon spawns and stops, and I tell myself "Seriously, just an hour I need to refill on pokéballs"...and it's like several hours later and Im STILL lacking pokéballs. To say the least, I like Pokémon Go!--I enjoy the game and Im decently invested in it with the amount of time that I have put into the game. However, I do think Pokemon Go! does require some improvements, especially after the latest patch that just went live (7/31) 


Bring back the tracker-- We all know the tracker in Pokemon Go! is one of the major problems with the game. At least when it first launched, we had a general idea of how close a pokemon was (1, 2, 3 footstep indicator) or if we were heading in the correct direction of a pokemon we were tracking (blinking tracker box)--and this was sufficient enough for many players. We weren't looking to cheat the system, or take away fun, by wanting to know exactly WHERE a pokemon spawned. But when the trackers broke a few weeks back, stuck on a 3 foot steps, payers werent exactly sure if they were heading in the correct direction at all. This caused many players to utilize third party tracking sites and apps, which (depending on what you used) let you know spawn times, remaining spawn times, and locations of known/captured pokemon.Personally, I used Pokevision from time to time in the last two weeks. This did not mean I was abusing to to find ALL the pokemon I wanted, but I did look at the map to figure out where would be good location to find pokemon that I needed. I cant explain to you how many times I had gone out before, to different parks and areas, looking for something to come back with nothing to show except wasted time and a loss of gas. Niantic thinks these third party applications ruin (all) the fun out of the game and with this latest patch has stopped the trackers from working.Pokemon-Go-Bug-Shot-01This is an issues for a couple of reasons. One: Pokemon Go! has no functioning trackers itself at this point, and it's bullshit. So you take down functioning trackers, but you leave up a vague list and hope that trainers are going to wander around blindly looking for pokemon. That's just awful and plain stupid of Niantic. I wouldnt be nearly as mad as I am now, if the bloody tracker in the game actually WORKED. Sources are reporting that the vague list that is currently up in the tracking display of the game, isnt even accurate. Before you could at least which pokemon was the closest to you by seeing how far up or down on the list they were--but now, the page literally just lists everything within a 70meter zone, and what you think could be the closest most likely isnt.Its in game tracker is broken and the company just blocked any other resource that helps to fix the problem. Its absolutely frustrating.While I understand, to a degree, that Niantic feels third party trackers can potentially take some of the fun out of the game--I feel there is absolutely no need to take down applications or sites that simply have an ARCHIVE of what pokemon was caught, where, and when. Having a visual representation of captured pokemon locations doesnt ruin the game for anyone--it essentially does the same thing that a Reddit thread/forum does, but only with less hassle of reading and simply just viewing.Honestly Niantic, at least leave the third party sites and apps alone where they just document captures and fix your in game tracking system. Wandering around blind is stupid and aggravating Allow for mass transfers-- Im super tired transferring one Pokémon at a time. I have a ton of Ratats and Zubats I need to get rid of, and having to transfer one at a time is a very long and painstaking process. I shouldnt have to spend 30min clearing out my captured inventory. Show us ALL the Pokémon stats--- CP is determined by stats that we don't even see. The short version of it, is that CP is the happy medium ground between a pokemon's attack powers and health--but in reality, there are additional stats (known as IVs)  in Pokemon Go! That are NOT shown to the player: attack, defense, stamina, are also taken into account for the CP levels. In the case of Pokemon Go! the IV levels arent as needed as strongly  (versus in the actual pokemon game) but they're estimated to give your Pokemon anywhere from a 10-15% boost. If youre heaving into gym battles, this can mean a world of different.And what makes this so irritating is that its true, and I have a personal experience backing up the need to see full stat charts. I caught a Dragonite, he's amazing! So happy! He's over 1,000 CP. I take him into gyms hoping he would just WRECK it---but every time I leave him at a gym, or bring him into a battle, he hits so poorly and dies so quickly. At first I thought it was because I was pitting him against other pokemon types that had an advantage against him-- but I was starting to notice even other types that my Dragonite should have done well against (even with lower CP) was STILL getting his butt kicked. I ran his stats through a calculator, and my worst fear was confirmed: my Dragonite wasnt EVEN bottom of the barrel, he was in the NEGATIVES for his bracket. Had I known this, I would have never dumped all my Dratini candies into his CP leveling, I would have saved everything and evolved my way through the process of obtaining a better Dragonite.Pokemon-Go-Zubat-IV-StatI know look back at all the high CP pokemon I have, think about all the other ones I transferred and cry just a little. I could have possibly had an amazing Pokémon but because the CP was low, and I didn't want to spend resources on it, I let it go and got stuck with a terrible one instead.Its obvious that the CP levels in the game isnt the most reliable way to dedicated trainers to figure out what pokemon to keep or to let go. Niantic needs to supply these types of trainers with additional resources in the game, or the option, to look at a detailed list of stats for the pokemon that they catch.For the time being, if you want to check if your pokemon are up to snuff and trying to figure out which to keep and which to let go...You can use this IV calculator:https://thesilphroad.com/research  Break the Meta on the game-- There is already certain pokemon who are naturally better than others because they have overall higher attacker power, stamina, and defense---and this sucks because it puts a specific meta on pokemon and what is considered “good” for gym battles. In order to keep trainers and battles diverse, Niantic should allow for trainers to unlock masters teirs.Let’s say you’re REALLY into Raticate—this rodent is your pokemon through thick and think (Pikachu to Ash status)—just because Raticates naturally have low CP doesn’t mean the game should limit you to using only top teir pokemon, if you want to use your Raticate and often you should be rewarded for doing so. Trainers who battle with, capture, and evolve, certain pokemon should be awarded with a “master trainer” teir for their dedication to said pokemon. This master teir could possibly unlock better moves, or allow raise the CP cap on the pokemon. Pokemon capture rate--higher levels means higher break outs,  but its is beyond frustrating exactly HOW often a pokemon is break out. I was grinding out Pidgey captures the other day, I came across a low level CP, and ended up wasting 6 pokeballs for a single capture. Low CP  vs high trainer level should change the formula and percentage rate of breakouts. Going against pokemon with higher CP, or pokemon in the epic/mythical category, a higher break out rate is understandable; even forcing trainers to use great and ultra balls but those are mechanics and logics that make sense. I should be able to to scare 10 CP pidgey's into a pokeball just by looking at them with the level difference! Not throwing several pokeballs, with razberries included, and still getting a ton of successful breakout. ACCEPT YOUR SERVITUDE, PIDGEY.46135503 Item drop rates- the game encourages use of other Pokéballs, specially with high break out rates, but they don't drop too often from portals. Higher great ball and ultra ball rates please--or at least the option to purchase these additional balls from the store.On a side note Niantic--you recently said with the introduction of sponsored pokestops (ahem, McDonalds) that this would help ease the burden of your company pushing micro-transactions. Does this mean we get better drop rates from pokestops and less breakout rates from pokeballs? Because its starting to feel that youre punishing trainers who are climbing high in the level, just for being high level. Its like, the higher level you are in Pokemon Go! the more the game wants to punish you with unfavorable odds. I didnt realize I was playing a Arkham Horror game.... Consider a trade system--if we cant purchase these items-- great balls, ultra balls, etc-- then let trainers trade for them. Some trainers may spend  a ton of time at the gyms and need revives and potions, others just like the hunt and really need Pokéballs; allow trainers to trade the excess items they have for items they NEED. I hate having to trash 20plus revives just to make bag space, it feels like such a waste. Speaking of trades; Pokemon trading---we know its coming. Just hurry already. Lastly...Tutorials--It doesn't hurt to have tutorials. Seriously, there is plenty of things (like how to master a nice, great, excellent throw) that Im still trying to figure out. Bu the game can be deceptively overwhelming. Putting in tutorials, even super simple ones, wont kill you Niantic. What are some improvement that you hope to see in Pokemon Go? Also: TEAM MYSTIC DOMINATION!pampling_team-mystic_1468534338.full  


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