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PAX West Spotlight: With Friends Like These [PAX 10]

By: Mithrandiel

PAX West can be overwhelming at times: with so many promising games, it's hard to pick just the right ones to play if you don't have much time to check out the show.

Luckily, the PAX 10 is always a safe bet, and so we started to dig into the distinguished titles from this year, starting with the co-op shooter With Friends Like These. 

Explained to me as a "forced co-op" game, I played through the demo stage with Craig Brown, one of the developers. With some ingenious gameplay that always keeps you on your toes, as well as a charming art style, this is sure to entertain and delight. Take a listen as Craig and I discuss their inspirations for the game, and when we can expect to enjoy the full release!

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