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PAX West Spotlight: Riot Civil Unrest

By: MithrandielArchmage and I spent quite a bit of time at the Merge Games booth today, and we wrapped up our time checking out one of the most interesting titles we've seen all weekend. Titled Riot: Civil Unrest, this game has you control the forces of either a group of rioters or police as you attempt to occupy areas based on real world protest events such as the 2011 protests that took place in Barcelona, Spain.There's quite a bit that goes into this game, the biggest element of course being the complex AI system that helps to manage how the crowds and police react depending on the circumstances. I played through a few different rounds of the game, and then had an opportunity to discuss the game with its lead designer. Take a listen below as we get a peek behind the curtain of Riot: Civil Unrest![arve url="" /]Make sure to check out the rest of our PAX West 2017 coverage!