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PAX West Spotlight: Antihero

By: MithrandielIf you think that they don't make games like they used to, I gotta tell you to get yourself to a PAX show. We're barely wrapping up day 1 and already I've seen a laundry-list of games as long as my arm that I'm dying to play. One of those games is none other than PAX 10 superstar Antihero. A strategy title with a Dickensian visual flair and asynchronous gameplay, Antihero is hoping to add a whole new level of depth and complexity to the usual Words with Friends dynamic of taking turns in a game with a friend over an extended period of time.Tim Conkling, head developer of Antihero, took some time out of his busy PAX schedule to chat with us about his game and what to look forward to by the end of this year. Take a listen, and then check out his game here![arve url="" /]