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PAX West Exclusive: Interview with Koji Igarashi

By: MithrandielA few weeks ago, while sifting through and attempting to finalize my PAX appointments, an email came in from 505 Games about a possibility that Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night would have presence at the convention. In addition, Koji Igarashi would be there! Tentative at the time, I expressed an interest in checking out the booth. Some time passed and I was informed that while the booth would not be able to happen this year, instead Mr. Igarashi would be making himself available for interviews. Mithical Entertainment was honored to have the opportunity, and I was able to chat with Koji directly regarding his latest project.[arve url="" /]Following our interview, I was happy to present Mr. Igarashi with a gift. If you've been following the site for a while you may be aware of our previous interview with convention vendors 2.5d Sprites - talented pearler artists who bring to life various 8/16-bit heroes and beyond. Some time ago I picked up a piece depicting Alucard and Maria from Symphony of the Night, and ultimately decided this would be a fitting gift to thank Mr. Igarashi for his time.Overall, it was a fantastic talk and I look forward to interviewing Mr. Igarashi again once Bloodstained is officially released!