The Geekly Grind

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PAX East Spotlight - Telefrag VR

Telefrag VR is a fast-paced First Person Arena VR shooter, featuring cross-platform play. Movement consists of short-ranged dashes with the left stick. Turning happens with the right stick, but since we're in VR, you can also turn your head.

The movement takes special note, as the quick dashes appear to be a design decision that allows for quick movement while minimizing the impact of motion sickness. I only had a short amount of time with the game, but the movement felt great and didn't leave me nauseous (sadly, tends to happen to me in VR games).

The demo featured several different weapon load-outs, with one weapon in each hand. The arena I played in featured several portals, allowing players to teleport around to different platforms. The action was quick, and overall the game felt great.

Telefrag VR is currently in open beta, and the devs are looking forward to feedback, so give it a shot and help influence the game! Checkout our audio interview with Szymon Bryla below, and the interwebz for more details.